Chapter 33

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"I can't believe we're doing this. If my mom ever finds out, she'll kill me. And all of you guys."

A brunette boy with slightly red cheeks and disheveled hair groaned in discomfort, making everyone in the room laugh.

'Everyone in the room' being him, his dear sister, his best friends Hoseok and Jimin and Dahyun. The five of them had decided to meet up and throw a small, private party. Or something pretty close to a party.

Hoseok had the brilliant idea of including alcohol to spice things a bit up. At first Taehyung had refused, feeling extremely panicked since all experiences he had had so far with alcohol had resulted in nothing but pure catastrophes. But since everyone insisted, the brunette gave in and chugged down a few glasses of alcoholic beverage.

By now, he wasn't necessarily wasted, but not necessarily sober either. Sober enough to have some kind of conscience, he supposed.

"Guys! I have an idea," Dahyun gasped, her cheeks also red and her forehead showing a few pearls of sweat. "Let's play Truth or Dare!" She giggled, clearly drunk out of her wits.

Jimin immediately groaned out of annoyance, him probably being the only completely sober one out of the five. Taehyung could only agree with him.
"I'm too lazy for that!"

"It's not like you do anything big. Answer some questions and do some funny ass dares! It'll be reallyyyy fun, I'm in!," Hoseok slurred, his voice squeaky from all the alcohol he drank.

"I agree. And let's do some really, really spicy tasks, I wanna see some action!," Taeha butted in, cackling straight after which sounded quite scary because of her pretty drunken state.

"It's settled then! Who goes first?" Dahyun giggled again, pointing a shaky finger at Jimin and Taehyung. The silver-haired boy was starting to get scared, being the only sober one in a group full of drunk kids most certainly wasn't fun.

And so, they played a pretty weird game of Truth and Dare. Since everyone was being a pussy, most of them choosed Truth. Jimin was asked about his underwear colour, Hoseok had to tell them about his (sadly) non-existent love life and Taeha was questioned about her sex life.

"My girl and I, we wanted to do it recently," she spilled, her head lolling to the side. "But I think she's scared. Because every time there's tension and I'm about to undress her, she jumps up and finds some excuse to run away. And it frustrates me, am I doing something wrong? Is she scared I'm gonna be too rough? Because if that's the case, I'm--"

"Kim Taeha!!," Taehyung cried, glaring daggers at his younger sister through his half-lidded eyes. "You're a literal fetus, don't you even think about losing your virginity, not before I do! How dare you even attempt doing such sinful things? Also, you need her consent first!"

"Oh my god, Taehyung, I'm not dumb! I know I do! And that's unfair, how long am I supposed to wait? You don't even have a boyfriend! But wait... what about that super handsome dude who keeps asking me about you? I bet he would love to be your boyfie." She giggled and wiggled her eyebrows, leaning back and supporting herself by positioning her palm on the floor. Everyone in the room 'ooohh'-ed, except for Jimin who gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"For the last time, Jungkook is my friend and he probably just likes to annoy me, nothing like that!," he protested, although this time he didn't feel as secure as all the other times he spoke about this. Almost as if he was lying.
"Anyways, next person. Dahyun, truth or dare?"

The blonde girl was the first one to choose dare, being dared to give Hoseok a kiss on his cheek and sit on his lap for half a minute. Both of them were definetely not liking it but then again, they were so wasted that they didn't even realize what they were doing.

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