Chapter 30

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As Taehyung entered the school on Monday morning, he felt like something was off.

People were surprisingly silent, many students eyeing him up and down secretly. He felt uncomfortable by all the sudden gazes directed at him and grasped Jimin's hand, the older boy silently blushing.

"Jiminie, do you know what's going on? Why is everyone staring at me?," he whispered into his friend's ear, giving a sideeye to all the people peering at him, thinking they were oh-so secretive.

The silver-haired boy shrugged. "No idea. Let's ask Hoseok." Squeezing Taehyung's hand, he dragged him away from the crowd.

Hoseok was standing by Taehyung's locker, a mortified expression on his face. As he saw the two of them approach him, he jumped up and rushed towards them.

"Umm, Taehyung? What were you thinking? The whole school's talking about you!," he spoke hushed, grabbing the brunette's arm and dragging him towards his locker.
"What's going on, why is everyone staring at me?!" Now, Taehyung was starting to get frustrated. What the hell was happening?

"People are saying all sorts of things about you... and Jungkook! Like, I'm definetely rooting for you guys but don't you want to take things slow? And why'd you go so public with it?"
The brunette's jaw dropped.
What. The. Hell.

"What are you talking about? Me and Jungkook are just friends! We had a friendly little hangout on Saturday but that was it! Why's everyone making such a big deal about it?," he hissed frustratedly.
Hoseok raised an eyebrow and pulled his phone out of his pouch, the bright red phonecase with rainbows, glitter and flowers littered all over it immediately catching Taehyung's eye.

"That didn't look like a friendly little hangout to me." Tapping on his screen, he turned his phone around so that the screen was now facing Taehyung.

A video was played, it was unmistakably him and Jungkook at Burger King. It showed the ravenette's hand on Taehyung's waist, Taehyung kissing his cheek and snuggling into his shoulder. And the brunette had to admit-- it did not look very friendly.

He sighed exasperatedly. "Okay, this is gonna be hard to believe, Hobi. But this doesn't mean anything. Some guy came to our table and tried to hit on me, he made me uncomfortable so I pretended to be Jungkook's boyfriend, luckily he played along and the guy left. But nothing more than that! I don't even like him that way!," he ranted, internally panicking.

Everyone at his school would misunderstand him. Jungkook would stop wanting to be his friend since he would be uncomfortable with the false rumors.

But then, why did he ask me to kiss him? Probably just wanted to embarrass me, he's probably just that kind of cheeky, playful friend.

"Don't worry Taehyung, I believe you. I know you, you're super scared of commitment and stuff and I get it. But the rumors are everywhere and, well... I saw people pushing notes into your locker." Taehyung widened his eyes.


He rushed towards his locker and fumbled around with the knob to unlock it as quickly as possible. He could see Hoseok frowning from the corner of his eye, this was the first time in a while he had seen the redhead look so serious. Jimin didn't say anything and just stood next to Hoseok with his arms crossed and his lips pressed onto each other.

As he opened his locker, he saw about twenty folded pieces of paper lying around, all over his books, exercise books and other sorts of school material.

Hastily, he grabbed one of the pieces, unfolded it and started reading it out loud.

'You're such a slut, Kim Taehyung. First you dump your boyfriend so harshly he had to leave school, then you start leading BamBam on. And now you fool around with Jungkook and play with his emotions?

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