A shiver crawled up Taehyung's spine as he entered the dark room, the temperature low, the floor dirty and old and a strange humidity as well as odor in the air. Everything about this room gave him a feeling of hopelessness and despair.
"Ten minutes," a man in a blue uniform spoke curtly, leading the pink-haired boy towards a chair standing in front of a glass window, the glass window giving him access to see the room behind it- it was a literal copy of this room, only even a little darker and even more hopeless.
He felt terribly out of place as he took a seat on the lonely chair and watched the room behind the glass window, already half regretting what he was about to do. But he tried gaining back courage by thinking of nice and hopeful things, such as: his family, his friends, his dearest boyfriend, his satisfying grades, Yeontan...
And all of a sudden, the sound of another door being opened echoed throughout the whole space, a man in an orange jumpsuit led by two more men in blue uniforms entering the room behind the glass window.
It was Lee Ruo, handcuffed and his arms grabbed by gruff-looking police officers, the handcuffs jingling with every single step he took. His eyes looked even darker than before, void of any sort of emotion, his auburn hair overgrown and disheveled and his skin dangerously pale.
As the criminal reluctantly sat down on his own chair and the officers had left, shouting "Ten minutes!" before leaving, Taehyung decided to speak, trying not to get discouraged or nervous. He's powerless, look at him. Nothing more than a weak prisoner, he kept thinking to himself for reassurance, then clearing his throat.
"I heard you made a suicide attempt," he spoke clearly. "I came here to tell you to stop that. I didn't report you to the police because I think you should die, I reported you so you can suffer like I suffered, pay your debt for all the fucked up shit you did." A humourless chuckle left the prisoner's throat, his hooded eyes fixated on the floor.
"There's no point," he rasped. "Without you there, there's nothing. No life. I can see that now. All the things I did, I did them out of love. For you." The pink-haired boy scoffed.
"Love, you say? So you tried to rape me, ruin my life, my relationship with my friends and got my boyfriend expelled because you love me? You actually have the audacity to say that? Open your fucking eyes, Lee Ruo. You don't love, you obsess. I had to make that experience for myself, you know? Or why would you never appreciate the love your parents raised you with? They must be devastated, by the way. Their only son, sexually assaulting his ex-boyfriend and trying to ruin his entire life. Poor them, they did nothing wrong. It's not their fault their son is a broken, psychotic mess." He spoke the last few words longer and clearer than the rest, coming a bit closer and now gaining all the courage he needed.
"So you're dating that bastard?," Ruo asked after a while, making Taehyung scoff.
"That's all you paid attention to out of everything I just said? Well yes, I am. And we are happy, he treats me like royalty and he shows me what true love feels like every single fucking day. That virginity you tried to take by force will be taken by him instead, with care. And love. And I'm planning on it very soon." He raised an eyebrow as the handcuffs around Ruo's wrists started jingling aggressively, letting out a humourless chuckle himself."For your information, this will be my first and last time visiting you. I just wanted to tell you that death is not an option for you, not until you pay the price for it. Your parents also apologized to me, telling me they don't ever want to visit you in a hundred years. They're ashamed of you, just so you know. That was all I wanted to say. Live well, Lee Ruo. I hope you enjoy your time in here." With that, he stood up and turned around, not sparing a single glance to the older boy.

Enraptured || taekook ✔️
أدب الهواةIn which Jeon Jungkook falls in love with a pretty boy and tries to win his heart at any cost and under any circumstance. Will they find true love? "Two souls are sometimes created together and in love before they're even born." -F.Scott Fitzgerald ...