As Saturday approached, Taehyung was extremely nervous.
Of course, it was only natural to be nervous when you meet up with the person you happen to like a lot and that likes you back but there was one other thing that triggered that nervosity.
Yesterday, he had randomly decided to self-dye his hair. Completely randomly. Maybe he was sick of that ordinary chestnut-brown fringe that made him appear as super tame and just... ordinary. Maybe he wanted to look a bit bolder for once.
So, on Friday evening, he had decided to take a huge risk and colour his hair a sweet but vibrant bubblegum pink. The result was shocking but at the same time, it satisfied him. He looked extremely different, which had been the very thing he wanted to achieve.
Normally, he would've taken some cute snapshots and immediately uploaded them on his Instagram account but since Jungkook would see his new hair colour and know that he'd dyed his hair, he decided against it. He wanted it to be a surprise and just hoped the younger would like it.
But this was Jeon Jungkook he was talking about. Of course he would like it.
So when the doorbell rang at ten AM, their arranged time, sharp, Taehyung sprinted down the staircase with a heavily bouncing heart and butterflies fluttering around his tummy, opening the front door with a nervous but happy smile. And as he saw the ravenette standing on his doorstep, signature leather jacket on and holding a certain something in his hands, his eyes lit up and he had to refrain himself from letting out any squeals.
"Hi. Oh," Jungkook mumbled, sounding just as nervous as him and then widening his eyes as he saw the other boy's hair colour.
"H-Hi. Oh my god, what is that?," the now pink-haired boy asked excitedly, his gaze on the objects held by the younger."For you," said younger simply spoke, passing a beautiful flower to him, a perfectly red rose with its petals soft and luscious and its thorns already removed by him beforehand. And that wasn't all. In his second hand he held a little box of way too expensive-looking chocolates, filled with the most delicate tintoretto cream he had ever laid eyes upon.
"O-Oh," he stuttered, taking the gifts with fiery red cheeks and his knees weak as jelly. "You didn't have to give me anything, don't spend money on me or I'll feel bad!," he then exclaimed, scolding the ravenette's but nevertheless, holding the rose aswell as the chocolate box tightly in his hands. The other just laughed.
"Yes, I did. Didn't you notice? It's Valentine's day!" The pink-haired male gasped- he didn't even realize what date it was! Being single for so long made him forget."Oh my god, I didn't even realize! I should've bought some flowers for you too, shit! At least we have some chocolate in the fridge, they're cheap and simple unlike yours but you can have some before we leave. In fact, I insist! You shouldn't spoil me like this, or I might turn into a narcissistic, spoiled brat and then I'll feel bad for not paying you ba--" He didn't come any further with his wild ramble as he felt two arms wrap around him and press him against a warm chest gently.
"You don't need to pay me back, Tae. I just wanted to do something nice for you. Accept the present and let's go before it's too late. Happy Valentine's day, bub. I love your new hair colour, by the way. It's so cute." Smiling, the younger ran his hand through Taehyung's hair and ruffled it playfully. The pink-haired boy was simply speechless, his face still red as a tomato.
"Oh... Happy Valentine's day, Jungkook. Thank you a lot, for everything. You're still getting some of our cheap ass chocolate, though. I promise, it still tastes bomb." Without even waiting for a response, Taehyung skipped into the kitchen and opened the Kim family's highly precious jar of chocolate in his fridge, taking out three pieces: two for Jungkook and one for himself. He also filled a glass of water for the rose and set it on the windsill, the ravenette's chocolate laying next to it.

Enraptured || taekook ✔️
FanfictionIn which Jeon Jungkook falls in love with a pretty boy and tries to win his heart at any cost and under any circumstance. Will they find true love? "Two souls are sometimes created together and in love before they're even born." -F.Scott Fitzgerald ...