Chapter 17

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"Hey, Taehyungie? I have a question."
A sniffle could be heard.

"N-Not now, Jimin! I'm still not over Jack dying, w-why did he have to g-go?," the brunette sobbed loudly in response.

Jimin chuckled, running a small hand through his silver hair and taking in his best friend's vulnerable but adorable state. "It's been like, the fifth time we watched this movie and you cry yourself to death every damn time, Tae."

Taehyung blew his nose with the handkerchief that was folded into his hands neatly. "I-I can't help it, it's just s-so heartbreaking. Imagine this happening t-to your l-lover. Poor R-Rose," he said shakily, his voice coming out very muffled due to the handkerchief being pressed onto his face.

"Awh, Tae. C'mere," the silverhead cooed softly. Taehyung obliged and slid towards the older boy, cuddling his chest as soon as he reached him.

Jimin embraced his best friend while smiling fondly and draping a fluffy blanket over them.
"Are you feeling better now?"
He could feel the younger shake his head vigorously.

"N-No. It still hurts." The silverhead smiled even wider and pressed his friend even more into his chest, feeling his heart pound wildly.
"Do you want some popcorn? Or ice cream?"
He could feel Taehyung tense up against his chest.

"Ice cream doesn't sound t-too bad. N-Not to much though, I don't wanna get fat."
Jimin started stroking his hair and looked into his swollen eyes lovingly.
"Tae, you're basically physically incapable of gaining weight. If anything, I'd say you're too skinny. Now stop worrying and pick a flavour."

The brunette rolled off the sofa with a yawn and stood up straight while stretching his arms over his head. "The usual, Chim. Raspberry, please."

His shorter friend stood next to him, snaking an arm around the tired boy's waist and dragging him towards the kitchen.
"Raspberry it is, then."

As soon as the two of them grabbed their beloved raspberry ice cream and repositioned themselves on the sofa while eating their spoonfuls of the tasty ice cream, Taehyung came back to his senses and remembered something.

"Jiminie, didn't you have a question for me?"
The older boy froze for a second, feeling stupid for even wanting to ask him this particular question.

"Oh, it's kind of dumb, actually--"
He got cut off by Taehyung.
"No, it's okay. What was it?"
The silverhead sighed lowly.

"Do you like Jungkook? Or does he like you?" The brunette groaned.
"Not you too, Minnie! Hobi-Hyung's excitement was enough for my nerves already..."

Jimin started laughing. "I'm not excited, actually. Just curious... and a bit concerned." Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, loosening them straight after.

"Oh, no need to be concerned, Minnie. He's quite okay, actually. I misjudged him in the beginning and I'm sorry for that. He's kind of fun to be with sometimes, if only he wouldn't flirt so much. We're still not friends, though."
His friend looked away, clenching his jaw slightly.

"Hoseok's right about one thing, though: He does seem to have a crush on you, or at least he pretends to and is actually just a player."
The younger rolled his eyes and groaned playfully.

"Ugh, enough about this already. We're not even friends and I'm sure I'm not even capable of being in another relationship yet," he then spoke. Jimin laid his free hand on his shoulder and caressed it.

"You mean because of--"
"Yes, because of that. As much as I want, I'm not over it."
The silverhead sighed and dropped his spoon into the ice cream bowl, hugging his friend's shoulders tightly.

"Oh, Taehyung... You can't let him win, you deserve love with someone who respects you."
Now Taehyung was the one to sigh.
"I know, I know. But my subconsciousness can't help but think that some of it was my faul--"

"Don't you dare say that ever again. None of that was your fault, absolutely none. He's the one who did wrong and he'll go to hell for that."
The brunette giggled, sounding happier now.

"I'm sorry for getting flashbacks, I should let it go. But sometimes I just remember. Thank you for always being there for me, Minnie. You're an angel." Jimin smiled sweetly in response and squeezed his shoulders before letting go. He also wanted to press a kiss onto Taehyung's cheek but then stopped himself.

The two of them continued eating their raspberry ice cream in comfortable silence and then cuddled each other until they drifted off to sleep.


"Seokjin-Hyung? I can't sleep." A tall, sleepy figure waddled into Kim Seokjin's bedroom, his raven locks disheveled and his eyes drooping.

"Oh Jungkook, I told you not to drink too much coffee. Why wouldn't you listen? You have school tomorrow," Seokjin scolded while typing something into his computer, reading glasses sitting proudly on his nose.

"I just... remember that boy I told you about?" The older now finally looked up to him, smiling slightly.
"How could I not? Is there something going on with him?"

Jungkook shook his head. "No... it's just... You remember that party we went to last week? He was there too."
Seokjin's jaw dropped, his eyes turning into saucers.

"Wait-- you mean Kim Taehyung?" The younger nodded.
"Jesus... I've known that boy for years, since he was a little baby-- what a coincidence."

Immediately, Jungkook's face lit up. "You know him? Oh my god!"
Seokjin nodded enthusiastically.
"I even saw him quite a lot when he was a baby, he was visiting his aunt's."

Jungkook cooed: "Aww! What was he like?" His older cousin scrunched his nose as he remembered the adorable little bundle that Taehyung used to be.

"He was just... so adorable. The way he looked at me with his cute puppy eyes and laughed with his cute little mouth... When he wasn't laughing, he just sucked on his cute little thumb. I remember when he tried saying my name, it sounded more like Duk-dee than like Seokjin but it was sooo adorable!," the older squealed, making Jungkook giggle.

"Oh, Hyung! He must've been lovely! Do you have any photos?"
Seokjin nodded.
"Yes, I'll show them to you someday if you want me to but for now, go to bed."

Jungkook felt somehow better, he had not been able to sleep because a certain boy had decided to corrupt his mind and not leave at all.
That seemed to happen a lot lately and he did not know what to think of it.

The younger sighed. "Okay... fine."
His older cousin laid a hand on his shoulder.
"By the way... He's a lovely boy. Don't give up on him, I'm sure you'd make a lovely couple."

Jungkook smiled his adorable bunny smile. "Thanks, Hyung. You don't know how much that means to me."


(A/N: short and crappy filler chapter because there's been a lot of action lately, also today's one of my busy busy days again💕 but here's more spoilers from taehyung's past

still hope you enjoyed, have a nice day/night y'all ilyyy💜💜)

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