As Taehyung, arms linked with his best friend's, Jimin, entered school, he had to adjust to the usual obnoxious noises filling his ears.
Students chatting, laughing, some even screaming while fighting each other playfully, some doing some hectic last-time studying for an upcoming test and, of course, the popular couples making out.Typical, high school.
While squeezing their way through the abundance of students, the two of them got jumped by an energetic, redheaded boy with a smile as bright as the sun, Taehyung letting out a little shriek of surprise and Jimin flinching shortly but immediately rolling his eyes after.
"Hoseok-Hyung! It's so early, how are you already so... full of energy?," the brunette asked as soon as he recovered from his little shock.
The boy named Hoseok let out a giggle."Sorryyy, I'm just so excited! Today is Red Velvet's new comeback, how could I not be?," he squealed and flapped around with his hands, implying that he was, indeed, very excited.
Jimin, observing him with wide eyes, looked like he had seen a ghost.Taehyung smiled.
"Of course you are, you love that group."
He didn't like admitting it, but he loved his dear friend's enthusiasm and outgoing personality. Spending time with him felt like fuelling him for the day.Nodding enthusiastically, Jung Hoseok clapped his hands, indicating a change of topic.
"So, I heard we're getting a new boy in class. He came all the way from Busan. Maybe... he's cute? You know what they say about Busan boys," he teased with a small smirk showing his small dimples, nudging Taehyung's shoulder suggestively and not noticing Jimin's menacing glare.
"Hobi-Hyung! Why do I get the feeling you're trying to set me up with every single boy I've ever crossed paths with? You're acting like my mom!," Taehyung whined, removing Hoseok's hand from his shoulder and locking arms with Jimin again. Who, by the way, was still looking quite sour.
"Okay, okay. It was a joke... kinda. Maybe. I just want you to properly move on from you-know-what-I'm-talking-about and be happy. You know, true love. And in order to find true love, you'll need to try!" The redhead frowned slightly.
Smiling again, Taehyung poked the other's cheek with his free hand.
"Aw, you're so sweet for worrying about me, Hobi-Hyung. But I think I'm gonna take a break from all that love business for the moment. Besides, I've already moved on perfectly."
About that last thing, he wasn't too sure. But he did feel a lot better."No you haven't. You still get panic attacks when it storms sometimes," Hoseok answered, his voice muffled due to the other poking his cheek.
"And you've said you're gonna take a break from dating for like, what? A year? C'mon, we both know your hopeless romantic ass likes gushing over some cute dudes, amirite?"
Taehyung pouted while Jimin tightened his hold on his arm, his expression still not changing a bit."Oh hush now!" Pinching Hoseok's cheek harshly which earned him a grunt of pain from said older boy, the brunette let go.
Though he himself was very well aware of the fact that his friend wasn't all too wrong...With the defeaning sound of the school bell ringing in their ears, the three of them sighed exasperatedly and made their way towards class, completely forgetting about the new student.
Tapping his pencil on the wooden desk and puckering his lips in boredom, Taehyung awaited his homeroom teacher, who was going to introduce them to their new student.
He could hear the students sitting in the rows behind him exchange hushed whispers about whether said new student would be cool or lame.
He felt a little rush go through his body as he remembered the transfer student.He admitted, he was kind of curious. New students, especially from somewhere as far away as Busan, were extremely rare. He also wondered why he moved so far away. What if there was a negative reason? Were his grades horrible? Did he commit crimes? Did he beat someone up? Was he a delinquent? Was he-
His sudden train of thoughts was interrupted as his homeroom teacher, Mr. Lee, entered the classroom, everyone immediately shutting up and sitting down silently.
As soon as he himself had sat down, the middle-aged man removed his glasses and looked at his class with a small smile. "Good morning, class. First period on Monday, you must be super motivated, huh?" He winked cheekily, students groaning quietly in the back.
Mr. Lee continued. "Now, before we proceed to Mathematics and our current topic of vector, magnitude and direction, let me introduce you to our new student, all the way from Busan! His name is Jeon Jungkook and he's seventeen years old. Jungkook, you may enter."
Now stepping through the door was... probably the most handsome boy Taehyung had ever seen.
Dressed in all black, his skinny jeans and shiny leather jacket perfectly accentuating his strong, toned body, the new student made his way up towards the board with an also black backpack slumped over his broad shoulder.
His face looked like something you'd see in a famous artwork.
Sharp yet soft eyes, perfectly shaped eyebrows, a high nose and a jawline that could cut watermelons into pieces without hesitation.
Just as Taehyungs shamelessly curious eyes trailed over to his soft, pink lips, the transferee opened his mouth."Jeon Jungkook, pleased to meet you." His voice was smooth and somewhat velvet-y, not too high and not too low. His tone was disinterested yet somehow appealing.
His dark, bambi-like eyes were rather glued towards the floor, not looking at anyone."Alright Jungkook, you may sit next to Min Yoongi. Min Yoongi, raise your hand." As Mr. Lee grabbed a piece of chalk to write the date on the perfectly clean blackboard, a pale, kind of small boy with beige-like hair in an oversized FG-shirt raised his hand, ordering Jungkook to sit next to him with a short nod.
The new student sent a subtle, flirtatious wink towards the ladies sitting in the front rows, the females trying to keep their cool but blushing in bright, pink shades. With a satisfied smirk, the boy made his way towards Yoongi's desk.
Taehyung heard a "damn" from Hoseok, who was sitting next to him, and rolled his eyes bluntly.
What a macho.
He scoffed silently.
Nothing special about this Jungkook guy. He's so predictable, just another one of those.
And with that, he flipped the first page of his Maths exercise book.
(A/N: i'm lowkey reallyyy excited for this story skksks
i wanted to publish this earlier btw but my chapter couldn't get published for some reason so i had to make a new one :(
I 💜💜 youuu btw)

Enraptured || taekook ✔️
FanfictionIn which Jeon Jungkook falls in love with a pretty boy and tries to win his heart at any cost and under any circumstance. Will they find true love? "Two souls are sometimes created together and in love before they're even born." -F.Scott Fitzgerald ...