3 - Man Period

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AN - SURPRISE  UPDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!! WOO! I am feeling so festive and jolly right now that I thought, hey why not do an extra update? It's super short compared to my normal ones, but i've already written the one for Monday (CHRISTMAS EVE YAYAY) and it's my longest yet! So double celebrations!

Unless we say triple and count a celebration for good ol' chrimbo.

Oh god, Christmas it making me crazy...

Anywhoooooooooooo, I hope you enjoy this despite it's awfulness and shortness that makes me just want to cry. If by some magic you do like it, fan/vote/comment!

please listen to the song in the sidebar whilst reading and stuff :)


Once he was over his initial concerns about Zayn - assuming Harry knew best - Louis was once again ridiculously happy and proud of Harry. Harry was buzzing with the fact that he could finally help with the bills, and that he could actually say to his Mum "Sorry I can't come for dinner tonight, I've got work. Tomorrow night?"

And even though Louis loves the fact that Harry has made new friends in his work, he can't help but wish that Harry didn't stay so late after his shift finished.

Louis missed him. He didn’t want to admit it seeing as he only worked three nights a week and he didn’t start work until in the evening 8 and finished at 10.

Before Harry had started working there, he had been nervous that he wouldn’t make any friends. Louis had told him that was rubbish and that he’d fit in instantly.

Sure enough by his third evening Harry texted him saying that he was going to stay later ‘with the lads’, Louis had smirked to himself, made himself a hot chocolate and climbed into bed to watch Geordie Shore.

Now though, Harry stays every night he has work, not coming back until half eleven, and when he did he would be in a strangely perky-mood, that would rapidly crash down to a quiet-reserve and irritability.

Harry had been having mood-swings; mood-swings can be caused by tiredness, Louis knew that, but he and Harry used to stay up later than 11:30 with each other anyway, surely this job wouldn't make much of a difference?

Louis teased him about it on one Saturday evening when they had met up with Niall and Liam like they did every Saturday. He had nudged Harry's shoulder playfully with his own as they sat next to each other in a booth in the local pub, Niall and Liam on the bench on the other side of the table. He had laughed and casually thrown out a "Harry has definitely been on his man-period lately!", met with the expected outburst of laughter by Niall and Liam, but Harry just blew a blast of air out of his nostrils a little harder than normal, his half-arsed attempt at an obviously fake laugh, which surprised Louis; usually Harry would find that funny.

When they got home that evening, Harry seemed to cheer up and he didn't have work that night so they decided to make the most of it. Harry had been working extra shifts that week due to illness in the other acts, so they were both pent up with a week's worth of sexual-frustration.

In all the rush and neediness to get it started, they only made it to the landing before Louis was already dropping to his knees and dragging Harry's trousers down with him; Harry hissing with anticipation.

Just as Harry was beginning to feel wet heat envelop him, the door bell went. Harry slammed his fists against the wall that his back was pressed up against, throwing his head back in irritation as he felt Louis pull off him quickly.

"Can't we just not answer and say we were out?" Harry begged; pupils blown as Louis stood up rather ungracefully.

"I'm sorry Haz, its Lottie coming to pick up her jumper that she left here last weekend." Louis apologized, pulling up Harry's jeans for him, "Later, hm?"

Harry just huffed, "Whatever. I'm gonna go and have a shower, you've left me with a bit of a... problem, and knowing you and your sister she'll probably come in for a cuppa and stay for an hour chatting."

Louis laughed, "Ok, but still… later too, yeah?"

Harry just grunted noncommittally, before walking down the hall to the bathroom.

~One Hour and a Half Later~

Once Lottie had left, Louis had ambled upstairs to find Harry lying on his side of the bed, shoulders hunched, scrolling through something on his phone. Louis bit his lip, hoping Harry wasn't in one of his bad moods of late and still sulking at him.

"Hey you, are you busy?" Louis asked, shutting the bedroom door behind him.

"Not really," Harry replied, eyes flicking up to look at him briefly, before going back the screen.

Louis sighed; crossing his fingers that Harry wouldn't be childish and mope because he didn't go down on him with his sister outside waiting in the cold.

Louis took his shirt off, walking towards the bed, "Ok, good. So, can now be the 'later' I promised?" Louis mumbled into Harry's neck, straddling him and pressing hot kisses up his jaw line, Harry still scrolling through his phone.

Louis briefly worried that Harry was just going to point-blank ignore him, but to his relief Harry turned his head to kiss him properly, eyes now closed but still clutching his iPhone.

Louis wriggled in Harry's lap to stop the ache in his neck from the awkward angle, he also took this opportunity to pull Harry's phone from his grip and chuck it onto the bedside table.

Harry groaned "Lou, I was using that!"

Louis rolled his hips into Harry's experimentally, eliciting an altogether different kind of groan, "Are you actually going to complain that I took your phone when I'm offering to suck you off..." Louis complained between sucking a dark mark on Harry’s collarbone.

Harry shook his head, pulling Louis back in to kiss him, but Louis couldn't shake the feeling that Harry's eyes had seemed a little unfocused, a little too frantic; he brushed the thought away quickly, it was Harry after all. He wouldn't do anything stupid.

He probably was just tired…

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