14 - Scars of Love

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AN - so here it is! I wasnt sure whether i'd get it up today, but here is it!

I hope it's not too awful, it was really rushed and stuff!

I hope you like it!


Vote/fan/comment if you like, it genuinely brightens up my day! I love to know you guys like it!

Now a heads up, there will be a few more chapters of stuff like this a prison and stuff, then it will be once Harry is released and stuff so.... yeah....


Love you all my sweetums!

It's kind of ironic that it would rain.

Full on, pouring rain.

It fit the mood as Niall and Liam led Louis out of court after the sentence, nudged him into the back seat of the car and drove him home.

Liam had questioned Niall from the passenger seat, whether it was wise to take Louis back to the house he shared with Harry, but Niall had replied with a simple, 'He needs to learn to live without him'.

Once they had parked up in the driveway and followed a sluggish and stubbornly silent Louis up the path and into the house, Louis had collapsed on the window seat and Liam followed Niall into the kitchen as the Irish lad boiled the kettle to make a tea for Louis.

"What are we going to do; do you think we can leave Louis like this?" Liam murmured to Niall, leaning against the kitchen surface, "I mean, he hasn't spoken a single word since the sentence."

Niall shook his head, "Nah I'm gonna stay and talk to him, you want to stay?"

Liam nodded, "Yeah sure."


Louis looked round from where he was watching the raindrops race down the glass and collide into each other, when he heard Niall and Liam shuffle into the room.

"Hey mate..." Liam said quietly, like Louis was an animal that could get spooked and run away.

Louis just blinked at Niall.

"I made you this tea." Niall offered, passing Louis the steaming mug before joining Liam where he sat.

They sat in silence for a short while, the quietness only broken with the sound of the rainfall, until Niall coughed to gain Louis' reluctant attention.

"Louis we need to talk." Niall announced.

Louis looked and Niall and breathed through the lump in his throat, "What about?" He croaked.

"What do you think?" Niall asked, not meaning to sound patronizing but he couldn't let Louis tip-toe around the subject any longer.

"Listen mate, I know it's hard now, I really do-" Liam started but Louis cut him off.

"You do?" Louis asked, "Do you really?"

"Well obviously I don't know exactly how you feel, but I've lost a best mate too Louis, you're not the only one hurting..." Liam answered.

Louis laughed spitefully, "Yeah well I lost my best mate, my confident, the one person who could always make me laugh, the one person who knew all of my secrets and all of my fears, the person who would stay in bed with me when I was sick, the person who kissed away my tears when I cried, the person who drove me to Doncaster at four in the morning when I was homesick, the person who kissed me when I messed up and kissed me when I did things right, the person who would indulge me all my weirdness, the person who would make us toast and egg for breakfast whilst I made the tea, the person who held my hand just because, the person who hugged me close just because, the person I loved just because..." Louis stopped his tirade of words that could go on forever, to suck in a shaking breath, "I loved Harry, you seem to be forgetting that. I loved Harry just because he was Harry - my Harry.

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