1 - Meeting The Guy Who Changes Everything

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AN - Well this is the first proper chapter! I really hope you all like it! As always vote/comment/fan if you like it! It would mean a lot! :D

2 Years Ago...

Harry sniffled tiredly as he felt himself draw closer to consciousness. He squeezed his eyes tighter shut against the pale summer light that drifted through the thin curtains of his and Louis’ bedroom.

Bloody mornings… He thought to himself, Bloody work…

He sighed and threw a lazy arm around Louis’ waist who was lying under the sheets next to him, Harry pulled Louis closer to his body so they lay back to front, slotted together like puzzle pieces, and nuzzled his face into the warm crook of Louis’ neck.

“Lou…” Harry murmured softly into his neck, hoping to wake Louis up so they could have some time together before Louis had to leave for work, Louis didn’t even stir, “Babe…” He sat back and looked at Louis’ face hopefully.

Louis scrunched his nose up briefly, before relaxing his face and settling back into sleep, Harry’s heart tightened at the sight, “Louis you are too damn adorable.” He whispered, knowing it was only he who heard.

Harry huffed impatiently after waiting for a couple of minutes longer, he pulled Louis even closer, so their bodies were touching all the way down. He pressed a gentle kiss to the soft skin behind Louis’ ear.

“Lou-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis…” Harry sang quietly into his ear, he pressed another kiss, “Wake uuuuuuuup!”

Louis groaned and picked up Harry’s arm so he could turn within Harry's embrace and bury his head into Harry’s chest, he dropped Harry’s arm so it cocooned him again and groaned “No…”

Harry grinned, pulling Louis flush up against him again, front to front, “But Louis you have work at ten and it’s nine,”

Louis yawned and drew lazy patterns on Harry’s chest with a single finger as he lay with his eyes closed, pressed into Harry’s warm chest as Harry rested his chin on the top of Louis’ head, “Exactly… I only work ten minutes down the road, I have fifteen more minutes sleeping time…”

Harry rolled his eyes and decided to take matters into his own hands, he wanted Louis and he was going to get Louis. He shuffled slightly to Louis fell back on the mattress so he was lying flat on his back; Harry hitched one leg over Louis’ waist and straddled him. He held Louis’ hands by his head, grinning down cheekily at Louis who was staring back up at him in surprise.

“I’m going to take a wild guess and assume I’m not going to be able to go back to sleep?” Louis teased, not really minding about the loss.

“Nope, you can if you want?” Harry winked, knowing Louis wouldn’t accept the offer.

“Shut up and kiss me you fool!” Louis laughed, tilting his chin up so he could meet Harry’s lips half way.


Louis threw his jacket through the door into the staff room, heaved a breath and straightened up his shirt in an attempt to hide the fact he ran to work. When he felt he looked presentable he pushed through the double doors that led from the ‘staff only’ area into the main restaurant.

Niall spotted him instantly and wound his way through the tables, wiping his hands on his black work shirt, leaving smudges of powdery flour from where he had been wiping down the ‘Decorate Your Own Pizza’ station.

"Oh my god man, where were y- oh..." Louis looked at Niall in confusion at his abrupt stop in his flow of conversation and seemingly knowing 'oh'

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