39 - Hey, crazy.

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AN - So here we are! Update! Woo!

So today I also saw that I place #878 in Romance!! WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?! I can't believe that! I literally cried, I'm not even joking... I can't believe that that many people like my writing! You actually like it!?!

So, if you like this chapter then, please vote/follow/comment to keep the love going, and I love hearing from you guys and omg I just love you all, haha. I literally tell my mum that I love all of you guys, because the comments I get are so kind and they just mean the world.

Oh and, ive realised that because the order of my fans goes weird, sometimes I miss you and don't thank you when you fan me! I am so super sorry if I missed you, but please know that I am so super grateful and that I love you muchly :)

ALSO!! There are only about four chapters then the epilogue left!! WHAT!?! That has gone by so quickly....

Love you all my sweetums!

Louis and Niall had chased the ambulance to the hospital, Niall texting Liam as Louis’ drove, and followed as the paramedics sped Harry down the corridor on a trolley – Louis’ breath catching as he saw how blue Harry’s lips were – before Harry got pulled into the hospital room, they had tried to follow in, but got pushed out immediately, so instead they watched through the window as a paramedic spoke quickly, “We have a 25 year old white male showing symptoms of alcohol poisoning. Blood pressure is 70-50 and dropping, respiratory rate is 7/60 and slowing, body temperature is 34.3 and dropping rapidly. Patient has no history of epilepsy, but suffered two seizures during transit lasting approximately 3 minutes.”

A nurse had interrupted when the heart machine she had attached to Harry started beeping, “His heart rate is dropping, he’s down to 20..15..10..”

“Patient is going into cardiac arrest!”

The main doctor called out a stoic, “1mg of Epinephrine and charge to 200 joules.” The paddles were held to Harry’s barely breathing chest.

“Clear!” Everyone scrambled back as the shock was sent, and Harry’s chest lifted up off of the table, writhing, before he fell back, alarm still ringing, “Clear!” Harry convulsed up from the table, but as he fell back the alarm evened out.


“Louis please, you have to calm down.” Niall begged, wiping his own tears away as he sat exhausted in the uncomfortable hospital chairs at three in the morning.

“Calm down?” Louis exclaimed, emotions raw, pacing the corridor outside Harry’s hospital room, “Calm down!?”

“Getting worked up isn’t going to make anything better,” Liam added, passing Niall a tissue and swallowing painfully around his own sadness, “Getting angry isn’t going to help.”

Louis stopped his frantic pacing suddenly, stopped his angry, furious, ranting about Harry: ‘Why did he have to be so selfish? Why did he do this? Fucking why? He must have known I loved him, he must’ve fucking sensed it! Why did he have to go and fucking try to leave me all alone in this fucked up world without him.’; and just fell into a crouching position, head held in his hands, body shaking and wracking with sobs.

“He has to be ok…” Louis sobbed into Liam’s shoulder once he had slid off of his own horrible, plastic chair to pull Louis into a hug – gently pulling Louis to the side, being mindful of the fact that they were in the middle of the corridor in the ICU, “He has to be, Liam. I can’t live without him in the world.”

Liam hushed Louis and rocked him slightly, until he felt his own tears begin to bubble over, and he was burying his own head in Louis’ hair – Niall joining them moments later, all three crying together.

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