7 - Dimenhydrinate

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A/N - Usually I get really happy when I update, especially when it's this long. But to be honest I hate this chapter. It's the worst chapter of all...

It's meant to be all dramatic and stuff, and I cannot write drama to save my life... The end is better, but nowhere near the standard that I hoped... I ramble...

Argh I hate it when this happens!


If you do like it (haha, yeah...) well you know the drill, I ask you every chapter! Y'know, my subtle pleas for fans/votes/comments... Yeah I'm not good at being subtle :L

Also I've dedicated this chapter to this girl because she made me fangirl by adding my story to three reading lists! Thank you so much!

Love ya sweetums!


Trigger Warning - Hints toward self harm and drug abuse

"Why did you take him back?" Liam asked Louis again for the fourth time in the two days since Louis told him and Niall all about what happened.

"Because I love him..." Louis replied quietly, stirring his hot chocolate, refusing eye contact because he knew he'd only be met with disbelief.

Louis, Niall and Liam had met up in their local Starbucks. It was a Tuesday and none of them had work, so they decided that they should meet and have a proper catch up. Harry was meant to join them but his Mum had gone down with a tummy bug, so he was taking care of her. Louis had offered to go with Harry and just cancel meeting with the guys, so he could keep Harry company, but Harry said that he didn't want to wreck his plans, and that he should go and just come to Anne's house when he was finished.

Louis didn't want to admit it, but he had been rather reluctant to go. Liam seemed to be disappointed in Louis for taking Harry back so quickly that Sunday previous, once Louis had told them exactly what had happened via Skype whilst Harry had been at work.

"I know Lou, that's what you say every time-"

Louis cut him off, looking him dead in the eye, "And it's what I'll continue to say because it's true."

Niall looked between the two boys, "Well I think it's sweet that after all you two have been through recently, you still love him enough to take him back." Niall stuck up for Louis, who smiled at him, nodding at him in appreciation.

"That's exactly what I'm talking about though! He has been treating you like crap; excuse my language; and you just take him back like what he does doesn't matter?" Liam paused and saw pain flicker in Louis' eyes like fire, something bad that doesn't suit Louis' usually happy and loving complexion, "I understand that you love him and all mate, but when do you cross the line? When did saying that you 'didn't matter', become ok? I think he took it too far with what he said to you..." Liam trailed off, looking hopefully at Louis to make sure that he didn't hate him after his little outburst.

"Liam, I know you're only saying all of this because you care, but it's my decision what I do with my love life. I want to give Harry another chance. He means too much to me to just give up, please understand and don't hold anything that has happened between Harry and I against him, please?" Louis asked, really hoping that Liam would understand.

"Sure, whatever Lou," Liam sighed putting down his now empty coffee mug, "But if he messes you around again I won't be so easily convinced!" Liam added, a teasing tone creeping into his voice, but Louis could tell that there was still an underlying layer of seriousness.

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