6 - I Promised You Forever

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AN - So here is the update, i hope you all like it!! I worked so hard on this, and i had really bad writers block so i hope its not awful :L

I am currently with two of the best girls right now, doing some serious grinding to music because we are just that retarded... So go on my profile and i have links to their profiles, go read their stories because i am not lying, they are amazing...

listen to Please Don't Leave Me by Pink whilst reading, it is so relevant for the chappie! ;)

Please vote/comment/fan if you like it! it makes me fangirl so hard :L

Love you all!

When Louis awoke, his head was pounding and he felt like he might have died. He was still lying half in and half out of the shower, and for the briefest of moments he thought he might have got so smashed out of his mind the previous night that he had passed out in the shower, but then he cast his mind back and remembered.

And as soon as the memories came back he could barely bring himself to get up off the floor; turn off the now freezing shower; crawl into the joggers and tee from yesterday as he couldn't bring himself to go into the master bedroom that he and Harry shared to get clean clothes, as that would mean seeing the disarray Harry had left the night before; and make his way into the kitchen to bandage his wrists and make himself a cup of tea, pouring whiskey into the mug to give him the kick needed - but he managed it.

As he sat hunched in a chair at the dining table, sipping half-heartedly at his cup of tea, he stared in loathing at the envelope and bank statement that still lay on the table, untouched from the night before. He offloaded all of the blame he was feeling onto the paper, for surely if there had been no statement, he would not have opened it and made Harry angry, and Harry would still love him.

"Fuck the whole fucking world..." Louis swore into the empty kitchen, "Why does this have to happen to me?"

He put the tea down in defeat and pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes to try and prevent his tears, but it didn't work. He soon gave up and just let the hot tears drip from his eyelashes and course down his cheeks.

Eyes, lungs and heart physically burning.

Louis considered calling his Mum and just having a good old cry to her down the phone, but he didn't want to worry her. Liam was at work already and when he tried to call Niall, he didn't answer.

So instead of doing the sensible thing and talking to someone about how he felt, to get his emotions out in the open and not bottled up inside doing more damage than it had to, he just sat and cried.

He sat with his head in his hands and just cried.

Had this been a scene in a movie he was watching he would have thrown a piece of popcorn at the screen, yelling 'Get over it you wuss, he doesn't love you!', but it's happening to him and the only thought running through his head was 'he doesn't love me...' and it just made him wish he had done something differently, anything differently.

Emptied the dishwasher more often; made him more tea; had sex with him that night he said no, the night that triggered this; told him he loved him twice as much - because he deserved it - anything that would have made Harry stay with him.

It seemed to Louis that the tears may never stop, and as the tears fell he fell, he felt a tiny dusting of resentment start to grow in the pit of his stomach.

"I'm going to make you diamond promise Lou," Harry said stroking the back of Louis' hand as they ate dinner in an Italian restaurant called 'Gina's'.

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