33 - I tea bagged your drum set

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AN - So here is the update! Yay! I am so surprised I managed to get this up, because I am literally leaving for holiday in 15 minutes! Confession time, the chapter is actually cut off half way because I haven't had time to finish it, and it was either get this up and do the chapter in two halfs or wait until monday/tuesday, and I didn't want to wait! I hope you guys like it!

So as always, please vote/follow/comment if you like it. I am always amazed with the support I get, and some the comments I get are absolutely incredible! Like, some of the comments I get are the reason I always want to be updating for you guys!

I am so grateful for all of you guys, I love you my sweetums!


‘I tea bagged your drum set!’

‘Oh yeah, well my drum set's a guy, so that makes you gay!’

Niall spluttered with laughter, “Oh god I would be shitting myself with laughter right now if I wasn’t sitting with a gay guy!” Niall turned in his seat to see Harry red in the face with laughter.

“Don’t worry about it,” Harry laughed, wiping a tear of laughter from the corner of his eye, “Step Brothers may or may not be one of the best movies ever!”

They both sat and looked at each other, before bursting out laughing again. They sat like that for a while; sprawled across the sofa with a bowl of Doritos to share; laughing at the movie and yawning every now and again.

“Thanks, Niall…” Harry said out of the blue.

“What for?” Niall asked, laughing slightly.

“For, you know, taking me in and stuff. I really appreciate it.”

Niall snorted and threw a Dorito at Harry’s head, “No problem mate, it’s what friends do, right?”

Harry smiled and nodded before turning his attention to the tv – until his phone began to ring.

Harry frowned and picked up his phone – who would be calling him at 8 in the evening? It was an unrecognized number, but Harry picked up anyway.

“Hello?” He answered uncertainly.

“Hi Harry!” Came the response, Harry dropped his crisp in shock, instantly recognising the voice, “It’s Louis here.”

“Oh, uh, hi Louis?” Harry replied, so nervous that it came out as more of a question, “You ok?”

“Yeah, s’just Niall wasn’t picking up so I got your number from Liam.” Louis explained, “Anyway, I was just calling to see whether you and Niall wanted to come round mine? I mean, my mum’s round today and she’s leaving at ten, but she wants to see you and… well… it would be good to see you again, myself…”

“I, uh, yeah.” Harry babbled. “Yeah that would be good, yeah.”

‘What?’ Niall mouths from across the sofa, but Harry just shakes his head quickly and returns his attention to the phone call.

“Ok, yeah, good.” Louis replied, the smile that plastered his face evident in his voice, “Do you just wanna get here for nine?”

“Yeah, sure.” Harry replied, his own smile creeping onto his face, “I’ll, we’ll, see you then.”


“So what was the actual reason he gave to invite you round?” Niall asked as they walked slowly up the front path to Louis’ house.

“To invite us round.” Harry corrected with a smile, Niall just scoffed, “And he said that his Mum was round and that she wanted to catch up and stuff…”

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