42 - Is that enough?

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AN - I DID IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!! I UPDATED TWICE AGAIN IN ONE DAY WOOOOOOOO! I'm sorry, but i am literally so proud of myself...

So this is the last proper chapter! :( omg this is so weird... I'm gonna be uploading the epilogue sometime this week and... wow... ok I a actually feel really emotional now...

OMG COME ON MY LOVERS, GIVE ME SOME SUGAR! Come on, all of you silent readers, it's the last chapter, SHOW YOURSELF AND LETS ALL REMINISCE TOGETHER!

So this was quite hard to write, it was meant to be longer but it's late and I have things I'm meant to be doing and stuff, but please vote/follow/comment if you like, and the last chapter too! I know you guys, you won't bother commenting because i updated twice ;) i see you sneaky people!

Thank you so much for sticking with me through this, and don't worry guys, there will be an epilogue still to come! ITS NOT OVER YET!! YAY!

Anyway, so much love to you guys, my lovely sweetums :)

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Harry swore to himself, running frantically around the spare room looking for his navy blue button down, extremely thankful that Niall had gone round Rhianne’s house that evening, because he was 99.9% sure that Niall would have take Harry’s frazzled state as the perfect opportunity to tease – the loveable bastard.

Harry was also thankful that Niall was out, because it meant that he had no-one to question the amount of effort he was putting into his appearance, because he may or may not have started getting ready by having his shower at three, despite the fact that he didn’t have to be at the little Italian restaurant, Gina’s, until seven.

To be fair, it wasn’t just ‘going out to a restaurant’. It was ‘going to a restaurant with Louis, the guy who he had been so completely in love with for 9 years, and whom he wanted then couldn’t have, then who wanted him and whom he told that they would never work, then who asked him to meet him at a small Italian restaurant that just so happened to be the venue of their first ever date, and the place where he bought Louis the promise bracelet, and basically the most symbolic place for the two men’.

So basically, it was a massive deal.

When Harry finally found the shirt, he pulled it on quickly and buttoned it up, before heading over to the mirror to flick around, shape and attempt to curl-tame his hair, before giving up and grabbing a tub of Vo5 wax and running it sparingly through his hair.

He stepped back slightly to survey his appearance, and with a shaky breath he decided that he looked ok, and he hoped that Louis liked it, even though he really wasn’t quite sure what Louis was inviting him to talk about.

Harry had read the text over and over again over the past two/three days, and he had come to many a conclusion. He could either mean ‘I can’t let you end things like this…’ ie. we need to get back together right now (which Harry was so surprisingly ok with, oh shit, he really fucking wanted it) or, ‘I can’t let you end things like this…’ ie. we need to talk more about how we will never be together so I can move on and meet someone else (which Harry really fucking wasn’t ok with)

With a shaking hand, Harry grabbed his phone and a spare pair of keys for Niall’s flat, then shrugged on his simple black coat, wishing that he hadn’t snagged the hem of his Burberry coat that one time, five years ago, when he had been trying to pad the floor out for Louis when they had gone out on an impromptu trip to the beach one midnight.

That night was amazing… Harry thought absentmindedly as he trudged down the road, arms crossed against the cold, despite the fact that it was the end of April.

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