35 - Seduction

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AN -  So I meant to update yesterday, but I was out most of the day stuck in hospital, and then when I got home I read basically an entire book in the evening and omfg I fucking sobbed.

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.

Motherfucking emotional motherfucking rollercoaster omg I loved it. @sluttyliam introduced it to me and oh god I am so grateful. I legit cried. I cried down the phone to her...

Anyway, this chapter was so rushed because I'm actually meant to be at @tornin1direction's house right now and I haven't even left because I was writing this.

I hope it's not as awful as I think it is, sorry for rushing it and not updating yesterday! If by some miracle you do like it, please vote/follow/comment if you like, I love getting comments and hearing your opinions!

I'm not gonna dedicate this one, because I'm half an hour late and I haven't even left yet... whoops...  I might dedicate it later, or if not, I will continue to dedicate them on the following chappies! Yay!

Harry woke up with the heat of the sun shining down onto his back through the thin linen curtains. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary as he lay bundled up in the duvet with one arm hanging off of the side of the bed. He lay on his side, mind still muffled with sleep and refused to open his eyes, convinced that if he just never opened them he wouldn’t have to ever get up.

Suddenly a warm arm slung around his hips from behind, and a snuffling boy snuggled up to his back, burying his head in between Harry’s creamy shoulder blades.

“Shit.” Harry swore suddenly, turning his head slightly so that he could see tufts of Louis’ caramel hair poking up at every angle as he slept peacefully, wrapped around a panicking Harry.

How did I forget? Harry shook his head in disbelief, stopping the movement instantly when Louis whined in his sleep and pulled Harry in closer to his chest, I’m in fucking bed with him and I forgot…

Harry lay on his side - perfectly still - for the next half hour, breath hitching when Louis sighed happily in his sleep and rubbed his nose gently across Harry’s shoulder blade. Harry wasn’t complaining; Lord he wasn’t; but he couldn’t get his pulse to settle down to a healthy rate whilst Louis had his tan arms wrapped so tightly around his waist, and when Harry could feel every exhale of the smaller boy against his spine.

His thoughts were hurtling around his head. Why was Louis there? Why couldn’t Louis sleep until they were together? Why wouldn’t Louis let him hold his hand last night? What would Louis do when he woke up and realised he had entangled himself with the younger boy he had been pushing away for so long? Would Louis resent him afterwards? Was there a future with LouisandHarry anymore, or just Louis and Harry?

After moments filled with a racing heart and shaking hands, and sleepy sighs and tight, tight hugs – Harry felt Louis begin to stir.

“W-what?” Louis mumbled; voice sleep mussed and filled with confusion.

“Um, hi?” Harry said nervously.

Louis rolled away from Harry abruptly, leaving Harry’s midriff cold and bare without warm, heavy limbs encasing him. Louis scooted over to the other side of the bed, lying on his back with his hands tucked under his thighs to keep them far away from Harry’s ivory skin.

“Why did you let me do that?” Louis sighed after a long while in silence.

Harry rolled onto his back also, a good foot and a half of mattress between the two boys, Harry bit his lip, “I couldn’t really move. You kinda caught me by surprise and I didn’t want to wake you…”

“No,” Louis corrected, “I meant, why did you let me sleep in your bed at all?”

Harry’s eyebrows crinkled as he lay under the duvet. Both Louis and Harry had refused eye contact since Louis woke up, both men lying with their heads firmly on their own pillows, staring at the ceiling. Harry frowned, were things ruined already?

“You asked.” Harry answered quietly, “You couldn’t sleep and you asked to stay in this room, so I said yes. I only wanted to help…”

Louis groaned, rubbing frustrated hands over his face, “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”

Harry swallowed the lump that was beginning to grow in his throat, he would not cry simply because Louis was frustrated they slept in the same bed together, he would not…

“Nothing happened Louis… We didn’t do anything.” Harry said, weaving his fingers together in his lap.

“But we slept in the same bed Harry. Together.” Louis emphasized in frustration with himself, finally turning his head to look at Harry.

Harry tilted his own head, “I know, and you finally got to sleep. Don’t thank me, s’what friends are for, right?”

Louis ran his hands over his face again, but this time when his hands were gone and Harry could see his face again, Louis was smiling.

Louis licked his lips with a smile, a proper eye crinkling smile, “You’re right.”

“I know, I’m always right.”

“Alright, don’t get cocky.”

“Ha. Cock.”

“Don’t make sex jokes when we’re in bed together, this was what I was trying to avoid.”

“Sorry Lou.”


Thanks to Harry’s uncanny ability to persuade, soon Louis and Harry were lying in stiches together, Louis using the duvet to hide his face when he laughed. Harry wanted more than anything to push the duvet away from Louis’ face, because he had no idea where Louis got the idea from that he looked unattractive when he laughed, but he had a feeling that would be slightly too touchy-feely lovey-dovey for Louis’ liking, and Harry didn’t want to risk anything just yet.

“So you’re telling me that if you had the option that your future daughter either had no friends or was a slut, you’d pick slut?” Louis asked in disbelief, voice still lilting with laughter, “Why?”

“Because,” Harry started, the simple word setting Louis off giggling again, “If she had no friends then she would steal from shops to try and have cool things so that she would be popular, and she’d be lonely and being lonely sucks. Whereas if she was a slut, then she wouldn’t need to steal because the less the merrier would be her motto, plus she would be popular so all the bitches would love her and she wouldn’t be lonely. Also I’m guessing she would be the hot one in the class and no parent wants an ugly child.”

By the end of Harry’s, unorthodox, explanation of his views, Louis was left with actual tears in his eyes with laughter. Harry had kept a straight face all through his explanation, but he couldn’t keep the smile off of his face as Louis wriggled with laughter, face flushed and eyes squeezed closed.

“Ok, ok, ok. Another one,” Louis spluttered through his laughter, “Would you rather…” Louis paused to think, “Ok, would you rather have a sleep over with five models or three strippers?”

Harry thought for a moment, “Are they male?”


“Are the strippers hot?”

“Harry… They’re strippers…”

“Oh yeah…” Harry laughed, “Uhm… Oh god I don’t know!”

Louis laughed, “Can’t choose?”

“No!” Harry chuckled, “I mean, the five models have perks because they’re hot and I mean, there’s five… But the three strippers are also hot and they might take their clothes off…”

Louis laughed, “Well I’m gonna leave you to think about it whilst I have a shower, ok? You can have a shower in the main bathroom if you want.”

“Thanks Lou.” Harry called out with a smiled as Louis walked out of the bedroom – Harry wasn’t sure, but he thought he saw Louis sway his hips seductively, slightly more than simply walking called for…

As Harry lay alone in the bed, he considered getting seduction tattooed between his swallow tattoos.

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