16 - Suddenly a wild bully appears

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AN - So here is the update! I worked very hard on it, and I hope it's alright! Here the drama kicks off again! ;) If you read it and think 'Here we go... It's gonna be like a shit bullying one', it's not... It just needs a little mean guy to kick it all off again :)

I'm not really sure what happened in this... I had a plan and I wandered off on a bit of a tangent, before realising it's not meant to be all happiness and friendship right now, so I got back on track aha.

If you like it, as always vote/comment (wink wink, I love comments) and follow (wow that sounds weird), it means so much, honestly.

Please listen to the song with it, it is by one of my favourite bands ever ever ever and I love them till 5EVA ;)

Love you all my sweetums xx

“She’s horrible!” Harry exclaimed as soon as the guard closed the door to the cell.

Harry stomped across the box-room and collapsed on his bed, rubbing the heels of his hands against his eyes to try and wipe away the frustration. He had gotten comfortable in the box-cell now, and he laid back onto the bed like it was his bed back home – the only difference that mattered too much to him was that Louis wasn’t there.

Josh laughed, “What did she do to make her horrible?”

Harry groaned, “Asked me question after question!”

“That’s the point in a therapist! They’re meant to find out the source of the problem then help you with it!” Josh chuckled, “It was only your first meeting with her, it’ll get better soon!”

Harry frowned, unconsciously scratching harshly at his arms.

“You’re scratching again…” Josh commented.

Harry looked down at his arms, where he had pushed the sleeves of his convict uniform up to his elbows, and noticed that the skin had long, red scratch marks from wrist to elbow, “I don’t even really notice that I’m doing it,” Harry commented, examining the marks, “Linda said it was a sign of ‘withdrawal symptoms’ and she said that after more meetings with her and the drug rehabilitation group, they should ease up and eventually go completely.”

Josh nodded and continued picking at the paint by his bed, a hobby which Harry had noticed -after arriving only last night- was pretty much constant, “Why do you pick at the paint?” He asked.

Josh shrugged, “S’just something to do, innit? As the bare patch get’s bigger I feel like I’m achieving something – keeps me sane, I guess…”

As they sat in silence, Josh picking at the paint and Harry counting the cracks in the ceiling plaster, Harry felt himself drift closer to sleep – the lack of sleep the night before, finally catching up – but soon enough the cell-door was unlocked and a patrol warden was announcing that it was their chance to sit in the communal room.

Josh jumped up instantly and headed for the door, Harry slightly slower on the jump, “You coming or what?” Josh teased.

Harry yawned, “Yeah.”

Following Josh out of the cell, Harry flicked his fringe out of his eyes and allowed himself to be led by a warden, down the cold stairs and back into the communal room he had seen that day previous. Josh immediately wound his way through tables and benches bustling with prisoners that Harry assumed lived in the cells on their corridor, and sat down on a round table in the very corner with two other prisoners – immediately joining in with the conversation. Harry stood awkwardly at the bottom of the stairs, watching the officers that lined the walls, lost now that Josh had gone to sit with his two friends.

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