Prologue - Remembering

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AN - I'm back already! Woo! So I don't know whether anyone who is going to read this will have read my Louis Tomlinson story (The Barmaid) but if you have, Hi again! If not, welcome to my land of extreme emotions, rainbows and cadbury's chocolate spread. I hope you enjoy your stay :)

So this is my first Larry story, I've been planning it for AGES so i am psyched to be finally writing it! I really hope you like it!

PS. the picture in the sidebar is simply because i am easily amused and i found it hilarious :L

PPS. There may be triggers throughout the story, if there is I will put a trigger warning in the authors note.

Trigger Warning

“Stop it Harry!” Louis spluttered out through the giggles that wrecked him as Harry tickled incessantly at his side, right at the spot he knew Louis couldn't bear.

“No.” Harry said, stopping for only a second so Louis could feel a speck of hope that it was over, before tickling him even faster than before.

Louis near enough screamed with laughter “Harry! Please! Have mercy!”

Harry chuckled to himself, Louis really had no idea how beautiful he was when he laughed, Harry wasn’t about to stop anytime soon.

Harry sighed deeply, pulling on his curls too hard for it to be comfortable. He rubbed at his eyes angrily as if it would stop him seeing the pictures that were in his mind, his memory, rather than around him.

“No Lou, it’s funny!” Harry laughed.

“But Harry! I-I think I’m gonna wet myself!” Louis exclaimed, clutching his sides to try and block Harry’s hands, but they just went up and ticked his neck instead.

Harry groaned and dug his fingernails into the palm of his hands hard enough to draw blood.

‘Stop thinking about it Harry!’ He threatened himself out loud, drawing odd gazes from his cell-mate, but he was used to Harry’s slight meltdowns so he soon went back to tapping a beat-less rhythm on the wall next to his bunk.

Louis could think of no other way to stop Harry from his merciless tickling, so he grabbed Harry’s face between his hands and pulled him close, pressing a warm kiss to Harry’s unsuspecting lips.

In surprise Harry stopped the tickling and Louis used this opportunity to jump up from the sofa, pushing Harry off onto the floor, before running around the sofa so it was separating them.

“Haha! I win!” Louis exclaimed, pointing a childish finger at Harry in pure glee.

Harry grinned despite himself, dimples and all, “You did not win! You distracted me!”

Louis just smirked, pulling his phone from his back pocket, he looked up at Harry after unlocking it, “You are just too easily distracted babe, a simple kiss and all interest in the previous activity is gone!” He teased.

“I’m not that bad!” Harry protested, still unable to wipe the smile off of his face.

“Yes you are love, but I love you anyway,” Louis grinned, before opening the front door as the doorbell rang.

Johanna entered the house, arms laden with food.

“Hey boys, sorry I’m late, the queue in Tesco’s was dire.”

“S’alright Mum, you’re barely quarter of an hour late, it’s fine!” Louis assured her, kissing her on the cheek and giving her a massive hug.

“Ok, hope you’re hungry though boys, I bought a lot of food!” She laughed putting the bags down on the table by the front door whilst she came over to Harry to give him an equally massive hug.

“Lovely to see you again Harry, hope you’ve been looking after my son?” She asked grinning, already knowing the answer.

“Of course!” Harry replied, holding his hand to his heart incredulously, teasing.

“No! He’s lying! He was attacking me before you came! He’s horrible to me!” Louis exclaimed, pulling his mum back to his side, “You have to protect me Mum.”

Johanna and Harry just laughed, “Tickle attack again Harry?” She asked knowingly, stroking Louis’ fringe out of his eyes like she did when he was younger and she was still tucking him into bed.

“Yup!” Harry replied, his dimples untameable.

Johanna laughed, “Right come on guys, let’s start lunch because, I don’t know about you, but I’m starving!”

Harry screwed his eyes closed against the memories that were becoming too much to cope with. They are getting more frequent and longer. Harry wasn't even sure what caused him to remember some of the things he does, but he remembers them anyway. He didn’t even flinch when he felt the blood trickle down his fingers from where they were dug into his palm so roughly.

He can’t last two and a half more years of this. But he’ll have to, there was still two and a half years left of his sentence for the stupid mistakes he should never have made, he can’t even remember why he did any of it. He can’t even remember why he would ruin what he had when everything was so perfect.

“Fuck Harry, look at yourself…” His cell mate exclaimed.

Harry opened his eyes slowly and looked down to see the knees to his prison overalls stained with blood from where it had dripped from his hands as he sat, back hunched, on his bunk. He separated his fingers into a star shape so the blood dripped from his palms to the floor, he blinked.

“I… I couldn’t help it…” Harry whispered.

His cell mate got up from his bunk, went to the door to get the attention of one of the security that walked up and down outside the cell doors.

Harry sighed as one of the uniformed men came in, already holding bandages and anti-septic cream. He knelt in front of Harry to bandage up his hands, warned Harry not to do it again, and then was gone.

It’s practically a routine now, he remembers, he bleeds, he gets bandaged.

Harry slumped down onto his bunk, flat on his back, took a deep breath and closed his eyes, waiting for sleep that he was certain wouldn’t come for a while.

‘Wow I’ve really fucked up this time…’

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