40 - Falling Apart

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AN - Sup! So earlier today I uploaded the description to 'Lost and Insecure', which is my next Larry fic. I would love it if you could go and give it a read, and leave some feedback and stuff! I am super excited to write it, and I will start when this fic you are reading right now, is over! I will also be starting a Niall one, and that description will be up soon too!

Anyways my lovelies, this story still isn't over yet, a couple of chapter to go still! I jsut wanted to make that sure, because this might seem quite 'last chapter-y' and stuff, but it's not!

Omg also, I was writing this eating vanilla new york cheesecake. ITS MY FAVOURITE FOOD AND OH LORD IT WAS LIKE SEX IN THE MOUTH I SWEAR. Just wanted to let ya know ;)

I have competely lost track of who ive dedicated to and who i haven't and I am positive that i am going to miss some people who have left incredible comments, and i am sorry if you dont get a dedication, but im only going to dedicate this chapter and maybe the next one, because i literally have no idea who ive dedicated it to so far!

As always, please vote/follow/comment if you like, I love them and i'm not joking when i say you are all incredible! I love you all so much :)

If you have read all of that, then omg you are a star and i love you even more than before ;)

Love ya sweetums :)

“What day is it?” Louis yawned over the rim of his cardboard coffee cup as he, Liam and Niall walked down the corridor back towards the ICU, wincing at the burnt taste of cheap coffee from the hospital canteen where they had just been to grab a sandwich.

“Uh.” Liam stalled, checking his phone, “Saturday.” He answered, glancing up from the screen.

Louis nodded, “So Harry’s been comatose for two days now…”

“Yeah,” Niall answered, quiet from tiredness and stress, “And you’ve been sleeping in shitty hospital chairs for that long.”

Louis groaned and threw his still full coffee into a bin as they walked, unable to bring himself to drink the rubbish whilst he was so sick to the stomach with worry, “I can’t leave him.”

“You could just do what we do mate, sleep at home and come to the hospital for eight in the morning, Even Anne and Gemma don’t sleep here, they rent a hotel room.” Liam suggested, “At least then you don’t risk waking up with a crick in your neck.”

“I can’t leave him.” Louis repeated, stubbornly, “Do you guys think he’ll be ok?”

Liam nodded as they approached the Harry’s door, “Of course he will; he’s strong and won’t give up that easily.”

Louis exhaled slowly with a slight nod as they entered Harry’s room after realising that Anne and Gemma had already been to visit and left, presumably to find their own lunch.

Louis headed immediately over to the chair by Harry’s head, and collapsed heavily into it, rubbing both hands roughly over his face, before taking a delicate hold of one of Harry’s hands, “He looks peaceful, doesn’t he?” Louis contemplated, running his thumb gently over the palm of Harry’s hand, “Like, like he finally doesn’t have to worry about anything.”

Liam hummed from his place leaning against the wall, on the opposite side of Harry’s bed, “It’s probably because these few days are the first in over four years that he hasn’t been beating himself up inside about, well, about you.” Liam said bluntly.

Louis groaned, staring up at the ceiling, before dropping his gaze down to rake up Harry’s face, “I shouldn’t even be here.” Louis said, causing Liam and Niall to frown, “I shouldn’t even care – I should be indifferent. I was supposed to get over him.”

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