4 - Zayn's a Funny Guy

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AN -Christmas EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEve!! So it's the longest chapter yet so i am very happy, i hope it's not a complete pile of rubbish though. Hope you guys like it, and if you do vote/comment/fan!

Now I'm going to eat some heinz tomato soup like a badass...

"So where do you want to go for lunch then?" Louis snapped, sick of Harry's complaining.

They had been out Christmas present shopping for four hours and it was two o'clock so Louis had suggested grabbing some lunch before getting the final couple of presents before going home. Harry had been complaining practically the entire time they were there, acting like a petulant child.

Everywhere Louis had suggested for lunch Harry had said was 'shit', and Louis was rapidly running out of suggestions so he decided to just let Harry decide, even though they would probably end up just getting a packet of crisps from the newsagent because Harry was awful at making decisions.

"Subway," Harry decided surprisingly quickly, and Louis just nodded in silence and followed Harry.


As they were sitting in the restaurant, Harry tucking into his sandwich and Louis picking at the salad poking out of the side of his, Louis sighed deeply and just wished things were back to how they used to be only a couple of months ago.

Since Harry had started his new job and started hanging out with whoever he hangs out with from there, Louis doesn't feel it's his place to ask, he had been getting progressively harder to predict.

Some days he would be fine, the usual happy-go-lucky, a little too touchy-feely with Louis for Liam and Niall's liking, and the cheeky lad that Louis loved.

Others he would be bitter, short-tempered and a little spiteful, and Louis didn't love that Harry quite as much.

He'd contemplated asking what the fuck was going on that was making him so split-minded, but just as he is about to bring it up, something would stop or interrupt him, then he'd think that he must be overreacting. He'd then pop some toffee popcorn in the microwave, pull Harry onto the sofa beside him and watch chick-flicks, the two giggling together like teenage girls before the movie would start to get ignored half-way through because suddenly Harry finds the sounds Louis makes when he kissed him just right, far more entertaining.

"Lou?" Harry said, snapping Louis out of his train of thought.

"Hm?" Louis responded, looking up at Harry who was looking back at him in confusion.

"Are you not hungry?" Harry asked pointing to Louis' practically untouched sandwich and Louis noticed Harry's empty sandwich packet in front of him.

Louis ignored the rumbling in his stomach that was saying 'yes, I am fucking starving' and just shook his head, deciding it was better to just get the rest of the gifts quickly and get home and have food there, rather than make Harry wait for him to finish.

"Ok then babe, shall we get the last gifts then?" Harry offered, making Louis smile at the apparent lift in his mood.

"Yeah," Louis replied, grabbing Harry's hand that he was holding out for him, entwining their fingers loosely together and lifting the shopping bags that they had already accumulated.

Harry kissed Louis' temple lightly as they exited the shop, Louis felt like it was some form of unspoken apology for his recent moods. He smiled up at Harry, blue eyes glistening brightly in the crisp winter air, hoping that from now on things with Harry would only get better.

~Two Weeks Later - Boxing Day~

Grey light filtered through a slit in the curtains, shining across Louis' stubbornly closed eyes. He breathed in deeply and smelt Harry, a mix of tropical shampoo, Lynx and a smell that was just undeniably Harry.

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