38 - Floating With Louis

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AN - So this took me a while to write, but still, FOUR DAYS IN A ROW WITH UPDATES!!! Am I the Queen or what? Don't worry guys, I know I am...

Omg so today i tried dipping chocolate chip cookies in raspberry and apple juice to try and make like, fruit biscuits. TOP TIP FOR LIFE: DON'T! Oh dear god it was a truamatic moment for me...

So I hope you guys all like this, it was supposed to be really dramatic but I dunno, I really don't think I'm good at writing anything except emotions really, and even then I'm not sure whether it's actually any good!

If you do like it, please vote/follow/comment if you like it. I know i say it everytime and it's probably getting really old, but it really does mean the world to me and every single comment means the world because like, you spent your time to talk to me! That's crazy! And all of my votes like, you guys are crazy! I am grateful for each one! And ooh my fans ;) You guys are amazing :)

I really do love you all, my lovely sweetums :)

(Oh god, Im getting all sentimental and hormonal aren't i? haha)

Trigger Warning: Alcohol abuse

“Wait, so you didn’t kiss?” Liam double-checked.

“No,” Louis huffed slowly, rubbing his face with a tired hand, “No and now I’ve ruined everything.”

Liam hummed soothingly over the phone, “Why is not kissing him, ruining everything?”

“Because once I pushed him away, I told him to leave, and he said that all he wanted was to be near to me… And I made him leave…” Louis said; voice slow and regretful.


“I was scared.” Louis said softly.

“What were you scared of, Lou?” Liam asked gently, not wanting to make Louis uncomfortable, but wanting to know so that he could help.

Louis sighed, “I don’t know.” Louis sniffed and swallowed the lump growing in his throat, the lump that he had been repressing since he finally stopped crying at midnight after Harry had left, now it was nine the following evening and he was still shaky, “M’afraid of getting hurt; of being let down; of loving and having it hurt me; of letting Harry back into my life.”

There was a silence from Liam’s end of the line, leaving Louis to listen to crackly static.

“You still there Liam?” Louis asked after a moment.

“Hmm,” Liam replied, “Just thinking. I mean,” Liam paused to lick his lips, “Do you really think Harry would hurt you again? I mean, surely you can see how much he is hurting too; surely you can see that he would sell his heart to have you. Do you really think he would do something to throw it all away again, if he finally won everything he wants back?”

Louis choked, sniffling back tears, “I don’t know Liam,” He replied, voice cracking, “I don’t know, and I’m too scared to try. He really hurt me.”

“Exactly. He hurt you, it doesn’t mean will do it again…” Liam exhaled slowly, “I really do think that he’s better now. He’s back to our Harry. And now he knows to talk things through rather than acting rash; doesn’t he?”

Louis hummed an affirmative.

“So that means he won’t hurt you again, it means he will just love you with all of his heart, and you can be safe to love him back.” Liam said surely.

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