8 - I'm a Mess

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AN - Heya sweetums! So now the holidays are over, we're back to monday updates! But let's be serious... Knowing me I'll probably do random updates anyway because I have no social life so I have too much extra time on my hands!

Also, I made a New Years resolution to swear less... Yeah that failed... I don't think i can even count on all my fingers the amount of swear-words in this, let alone what I said out-loud today... I am unstoppable, hahaha.

They should make it an olympic sport... I would be amazing...

Anywhoooo, I know Harry is a MAHOOSIVE douche in this, but just a heads-up that he turns back into his cuppycake ways later on, so if you're a Harry girl and you're resenting me for making him so horrible, don't... I give him blowjobs later, it's all good...

So basically I doubt any of you have even read this far... But if you have, you know I love you.

Bit forward? Ok... I get it...


vote/comment/fan if ya like ;)

Trigger Warning - Hints towards drug taking and MILD domestic violence

“You’re a mess…” Harry swore to himself under his breath, he frowned when his fingers shook as he tried to guide his key into the front-door, an apparent side effect of whatever it was he took that night.

Zayn’s friend had persuaded Harry to try something slightly different that night, he wouldn’t tell Harry what it was but it wasn’t hard to guess. The white powder was in a tiny plastic packet and the guy just told him to snort it – so Harry did.

Harry sighed in relief when he finally got the key into the door and the lock clicked open. He put the key into his jacket pocket, and stepped into the house.

“Lou, I’m home!” Harry shouted when he saw that the lights were still on, wiping the sweat off his brow and taking deep breaths to try and slow his heart-rate, he couldn’t risk Louis suspecting anything.

“Fuck you Styles!” A broken voice shouted from upstairs, Harry squinted in confusion, What was wrong?

Louis’ voice sounded cracked and watery, like he had been crying. It was odd, it was obvious he was upset, but Harry could hear the anger, or betrayal – Harry wasn’t sure which.

Harry headed towards the stairs to meet Louis, because he could hear him coming down.

When Harry looked up and saw Louis staring at him from the bottom step, his stomach rose up to his throat. He saw the pain woven into every shade of blue in Louis’ eyes that just pleaded to him.

Harry knew now that Louis knew, he knew the second he saw Louis. He saw the complete betrayal that Louis felt, in the way Louis’ fingers shook around the Ephedrine box.

Oh shit. The Ephedrine box. That’s where the needles were hidden.

“We need to talk…” Louis murmured, visibly swallowing all the accusations he wanted to throw at Harry, visibly shaking from where he stood on the bottom step.

Harry laughed nervously, “No we don’t, it’s late.” He tried to push past Louis to go upstairs, but Louis caught his elbow and pointed to the sofa.

“Sit down Harry, it’s just talking…”

Harry flashed Louis a brief, awkwardly polite, closed mouth smile and sat down on the sofa, Louis following behind. It was the first time in years that they didn’t automatically snuggle up on one of the sofa cushions the moment they sat down, instead they stayed firmly on their own sofa cushion, an invisible barrier between them; who put it there, neither knew.

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