21 - Mr Burberry-coat-owner

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AN - So I feel like all I am doing at the moment is thanking you guys! (which is not a bad thing!) This update I have to thank you all for my (over) 200 votes!! AHHH! LALALALALA! You guys are insane... I love you!

I really hope I did this chapter credit because it was meant to be dramatic but i really can't describe things very well so... I hope it's good enough to count as my thanks to you lot!

Now this chapter goes with Believe by Cher, but I've been listening to Ella Henderson's cover of it because it is amazing.... It's in the sidebar so make sure you listen to it. In case you don't know who she is, she was a contestant on this year's british xfactor and she was amazing!

Please vote/follow/comment if you like this, I was buzzing with the comments I got on the last chapter, literally couldn't wipe the smile off of my face :)

Love you all my sweetums, seriously.

PS. the photo in the side is the coat louis buys harry, awh isn't it gorgeous? ugh i love burberry stuff...

Harry had refused to speak to anyone for the rest of the day. Simone knew instantly that things hadn’t worked out as both she and Harry had hoped, and she wasn’t going to question Harry on it when she saw him sobbing into his hands through the window on the door.

Once Simone’s shift was over, she warned the nurse taking over from her to not trouble Harry too much, before going home and telling her boyfriend all about the young man from Cheshire. As she drifted off to sleep that night, she wondered what would happen to Harry in the future, and how he was coping at that very moment.

It didn’t trouble her too much though, because she soon drifted off into an easy sleep, wrapped up in her boyfriend’s arms, whilst Harry sat in his hospital bed. The only light in the room coming from the pale moon outside and the faint light seeping under through under the door and around the blinds from the corridor outside. His light had been flicked off by a nurse two hours previous, and she advised him to get to sleep quickly because he would have a stressful day the next morning, but Harry couldn’t close his eyes because as soon as his eyelids touched, they squeezed out the tears that glazed his eyes in a permanent state. Every breath Harry sucked in was shuddering, and his chest ached, and his eyes burned, and his lungs squeezed, and his fingertips dug into the palm of his hands causing him an excruciating pain that he was numb to as his eyes were transfixed on the ticking clock opposite him; eyes following the hands around, but not focused in the slightest.

His mind was so far away, drifting from the warm, fuzzy places filled with happy memories, to the dark, damp places filled with break ups and prison sentences and the place where Harry realised what it felt like to love and not feel loved in return.

Louis and Harry. It seemed more like LouisandHarry to most people, co-dependency summed up in one couple. And as Harry sat alone in the dark, itching for a notebook and his guitar to scratch out the song lyrics that had been circling his head since the emails. He had been considering song titles: Heart of shit, What the fuck is love, Leave me here alone, Thought you fucking loved me; there was so many names circling his head and he could almost hear Louis’ teasing voice in his head, giggling to him about his ‘hipster music’ but of course it was only in his head, because Louis didn’t need him anymore.

It’s no longer LouisandHarry. It’s not even Louis and Harry. It’s that guy Louis and that guy Harry, those two English guys who used to know each other. Louis was no longer co-dependent and Harry’s heart twisted as he drifted back into the warm, fuzzy place in his mind.

“Love you, Styles.” Louis breathed as he laid his sweaty head upon Harry’s sticky chest, “Happy birthday.

“I love you too, babe. Thank you.” Harry rumbled in his husky morning voice.

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