Update and some not good news

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Holy crap, whaaaaat? I'm taking up an entire chapter as a sort of author's note? How sacriligous to my own book!

Haha, but anyways, getting to the point.

I know last chapter/rant/part/what-may-have-you I said I was going to try and update this story more often. The unfortunate reality to this is, I probably won't be able to. Not for the next few months, anways.

This uh, this actually goes for all my stories, except for The Second because I'm already helms deep in that one. (And also a few chapters ahead.)

The reason for this? I'm going to try and get my big project off the ground. Well actually, it's a web comic. Probably. I can't tell you much more than this, unfortunately. The thing is, it's what my time will most likely be dedicated to. 

Why is this so sudden? Why did all of a sudden I go, "Okay, time to do this shit."?

The reason is simple. 

My biggest inspiration in life, Monty Oum, died Februray 1st, at the age of 33. 

As many of you probably don't know, Monty Oum was an animator at RoosterTeeth, working as their head animator on Red vs Blue until Season 11, when he began with the creation of his own show, RWBY. (Pronounced like Ruby / Roo-bee)

RWBY was a beautiful, well thought out anime that was loved by very very many. It is also the first American anime to be officially* dubbed in Japanese. (*it is being dubbed and released professionally by Warner Brothers Japan)

It's so sad to see him go. It really is. I've cried a lot over this event, quite honestly. I'll link his tribute video in the media if any of you want to watch. 

Monty was always... He was always a go-getter kind of person, and he worked so fast and efficiently. If you asked me, my favourite stories that I've heard are about how he typed 5-5 into the microwave instead of 6-0 or 1-0-0. Or how he ripped keys off his keyboards because they got in his way when he was animating. He would work 30 hour shifts and sleep for 12 hours, and he dressed so... amazingly. It hurt me so so so much when I heard of his passing. 

Just keep moving, he said. So that's what I'm doing. I'm going to keep moving. And I'm going to get this goddamned project off the ground already. 

I hope you guys understand. <3

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