Never be nice on the internet: A guide

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Oh my god. Ohhhh my god. OHHHHH MY GOD!!!

Okay so listen, here's the thing. I try to be a nice person, I really do. I know these rants don't seem like it, but I try to do what's right in my books. 

One of those things is giving people the benefit of the doubt. 

There are times, when I'm in moods like these, where I just want to STOP content creating. 

Now Pink, is there a story behind this rant? You seem to be going off non-sensically about something that pissed you off again. 

Boy howdy THERE SURE IS. 

Do y'all remember not that long ago, I talked about art theft? Okay wow actually that was three years ago jesus how the time flies... ANYWAYS. I'm updating because I felt the need to rant again. And was drawn back to Wattpad to write some more stuff but that's besides the point.

So art theft. 

That's shitty folks. Don't do it.

Do NOT. Right click or long press on a piece of art you found on google and save it to your phone or computer so that you can post it somewhere else later.

I don't care if you like it. I don't care if it still has a signature on it. I don't care if it's watermarked. I don't care if you're using it to role play. Did you ask the fucking artist?


Now why am I bringing this back up? Because I finally fell victim to it. I mean I guess I'm not surprised, it was bound to happen sooner or later, but jeez.

I found out an RP twitter was using my art of a character to introduce who they were RP-ing. As if everything else wasn't already obvious enough, considering they were RP-ing a canon, secondary (but almost main) character.

I messaged the account very nicely like... "Hey, that's my art you're using! Could you please source any other art you post from now on that isn't yours?"

The person apologized obviously, explaining they just find their art on google (GUYS, DON'T FUCKIN DO THIS.) and didn't know the source and said that they thought my signature on the art would be enough. 

I proceeded to make an offhanded tweet about how my art was stolen. Said thief then got upset that I called them a thief, LOL. 

Like listen, I don't mean to be a jackass, but you fucking reposted my art. You took it either off of Tumblr or DeviantArt and you reposted it. You didn't think twice, so of course I'm going to label you for what you really are.

It's this kind of shit that makes me not want to be on the internet anymore, guys.

I know we're better than this, C'MONNNN.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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