Ahaha! Hahaha! Oh wait, you're serious?

1.6K 80 19

I'm an idiot, and so for no apparent reason I decided to fan you. Will you fan me back?

NO! I will not fan you back just because you fanned me! GTFO.

Then I'll un-fan you!

I don't care! Get off my message board!

You all know you've deaked with someone like this before. A mass fanner or something like that. What's incredolous is all the people who fan them back! I mean, have you ever met a 10 year old girl who has written nothin but had 2,671 fans? No? Well I have.

Are you kidding me?

Are you freaing serious?

You are serious? OH MY GOD. Please, just get off of my front lawn. Like... Now.

I mean, why? WHY? What is wrong with you? People should DESERVE their fans.

It's alright if the person is brand new to wattpad and you fan them to help keep their hopes up. But if your account is just for reading and you have maybe 10 fans, okay. That's fine. But 1,000 fans? That's a little over the top.

I hate mass fanners, and you should too. Because they're dumb idiots who don't know how to write a story.

So please, if your a mass fanner. Please, please. Get out of my life.

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