I'm a girl, so what?

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The title says it all. I am of the female gender. If you have a problem with it, go take it up with someone else.

I was on YouTube the other day searching up Minecraft videos. Yes. I said Minecraft. If any of you have ever seen my profile, I make a reference to Minecraft. My name is; Why should I tell you? Creeper. SSSS BOOM! Referencing to the Minecraft mob, a creeper.

Back to the story.

I came across a video where the commentary was done by a girl. She stated in her video that she was not a little kid, as she sounded like one. This video recived lots of negative comments, all against girls playing video games and how we sucked and so on and so on.

I've played many games, in Call Of Duty, Halo, Battlefield and so on where once I said I was a girl there was astonishment. I'm dead serious guys, I can play video games, and so can many other girls.

Now these comments I read were very clearly sexism. This pissed me off quite a bit. I decided to lighten the mood a bit by posting the following: Woo! Females in the house! Thumbs this up if you are a girl or if you support girls playing video games."

I got 17 people thumbs me up. The next day though, somebody replied to that comment.

"all 17 girls who thum that up don't have boyfriends."

This comment made me so mad. Within a few seconds, I was allready replying to him.

"Really? Then why do I have a boyfriend?"

That shut him up. It also irked me because he spelt thumb wrong.

I hate sexism. I am a girl who likes girl things and guy things. The only thing that my friend and I really do talk about is One Direction. I try to strike up a conversation about Halo 4, and she throws her head back, laughs, and then immediately states that she doesn't care. Then a guy walks over because he overheard me say Halo.

My guy friends are maybe the only people I can talk to about video games. Other than my friend who like Nintendo.

I'm not gonna deny it, I am a girl. I am currently wearing fake nails that make it hard to type. I love the Halo series. I love my Xbox. I love One Direction. I love science fiction.

I hate sexism.

So you know what?

All you guys out ther who think that girls shouldn't be playing Xbox or PS3, you can go and bitch to you mommy.

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