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So there are some pretty cool authors on here on Wattpad, and some are even best sellers! Good for them! I've probably read your story too :D

Okay, but here's a little beef I have with some really big best selling authors on Wattpad. They put their entire story on here. When it's not even that olf of a book. I mean, I PAID money for the book and you're just throwing it out on here for free?? Uh....


Previews are cool! Having a chapter or two up, awesome! Wanting to promote your story with other short stories, or maybe a collection of something from your fan, even better!

A friend pointed out to me that it's the same thing as Libraries, which is true, but in my mind, it just seems wrong.

And also here on Wattpad since it's a best seller, people are going to read it obviously and then it's going to climb the ranks of whatever genre it's apart, essentially "stealing" (although I don't like that word) the ranks of us writers who aren't professional and write for the good fun of writing.


Maybe they write for the love of writing, and just so happened to get published, I don't know. Good for them if that's the case, but y'know. 

There's my mini rant for the day. <3

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