Oh my God, gag me with a spoon.

817 47 45

Okay haha yes that's so funny that you're making a joke.

But you know what takes it over the top?

'Omg I'm going to commit suicide instead of doing that,'


Here friends, let us talk about suicide AND WHY IT ISN'T A MOTHER FUCKING JOKE YOU LITTLE TWAT.

I don't know why people make these kind of jokes, or even just saying; "Kill yourself" can trigger someone to actually kill themselves. Have you ever thought about that?

People have (anonymously) told me to kill myself, and I obviously didn't take it seriously because wow, first of all; Why do you hate me, I did nothing wrong. Second, I did nothing to you. Third, I can't take you seriously when I don't even know who you are.

Of course, once all this anon hate showed up on other people's feeds my ask box was flooded with people saying that everything was going to be okay and that I shouldn't kill myself and that I'm a wonderful person, and that they're there for me.

It was great to know that there were people, whom of which I don't always talk to, who were there for me.

And if you are reading this rant, I want you to know that I am here for you. Even if we've never spoken before, I am there for you. Even if we're amazing friends, I'm always here for you.

Nonetheless, there are people in this world who call out anyone who is Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, or anything else that seems unacceptable by society, and those people can seriously go fuck themselves with a ten foot pole. Because you are the jerks of this society.

You guys, my friends, are a bunch of assholes.

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