Chapter 25: Life

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I don't know how long this is going to last honestly.

And if you didn't know I had to go to the hospital which is why I now have a excuse as to why this took so long.

As a child Nishikata knew that growing up was not going to be easy. He knew he would have a lot less time for everything.

But he didn't expect he would have to balance his school life, work life, personal life, and the most important one to him, his love life.

" So no huh?" Takagi said on her phone.

"S-sorry but we are already short staffed" Nishikata said on the phone at work.

He listened to her sigh into the phone.

" Do I need to come in?" Takagi asked.

" No. They have two more people coming in two hours and that's how long I have to stay but it will be too ate by than" Nishikata explained to her.

" It's alright Nishikata-kun I understand... See ya" Takagi said.

" Y-yeah.. bye Takagi-san" They both hung up after that.

Nishikata rested his head against the wall after hanging up.

He wanted to be with Takagi but he had to do his job at the same time and he couldn't leave them short staffed.

At least he had school the next day so he could see her.

* The next day*

Nishikata looked outside his window as the rain was splashing hard against his apartment windows. It reminded him of the time he was... Controlling the wind and Takagi had caught him and teased him about it as well.

Due to that school was cancelled for the day and he was stuck at home unable to see her at school.

At least they were able to text each other.

"It's really pouring out there huh Nishikata-kun? " Takagi texted.

" Yeah" Nishikata texted back.

"Does this remind you of anything Nishikata-kun? " Takagi texted back.

' I know she means that day but I don't want to admit it. It will lead to more teasing for sure' Nishikata thought as he wrote his next text message.

"Not really. We've seen plenty of days like this before" Nishikata texted.

" Hmmm. Well anyway it's too bad we don't have school" Takagi texted.

" Why is that? " Nishikata texted.

"Because I wanted to see you" Takagi texted.

Nishikata nearly dropped his phone from that text. He also blushed at this.

"Oh really?" Nishikata texted back.

"It's too bad though. We didn't get to see each other yesterday." She texted.

" Takagi-san. Are you just teasing me or are you being serious? " He asked with his text.

" I'm serious about it. I wanted us to spend time together, even for a few minutes. Lately we have been together a lot more ever since I came back from that vacation before we came to high school" She explained.

" I haven't really noticed" He texted.

"It's fine. I will leave you be now. Have fun at your home Nishikata-kun" She texted.

Nishikata felt kinda bad about this since he didn't have to stay at work.

He got a idea and he grabbed his jacket.

* A few minutes later.

Takagi sat on her couch doing a bit of homework. School was not easy but she was at the top of her school so it wasn't too bad for her.

*Knock knock*

'Who could that be? ' She thought. She put her homework down and went to open the door and to her suprise it was Nishikata.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"Y-you wanted to see me right?" He was wet all over.

Takagi laughed to herself seeing that he ran all the way over to her house.

"Come on inside before you get a cold Nishikata-Kun" Takagi invited him in and he came in soaking wet and he took his shoes off.

Takagi left for a few seconds, letting a blush come on her face,before returning with a towel.

"Here. Take off your jacket" She said and he did so giving it to her.

She hung it up and gave him a towel letting him dry whatever else got wet.

"T-thank you Takagi-san" He said giving her the towel back.

"It's no problem" She smiled at him.

"I see your parents aren't home" He took notice

"Oh so that's why you came here" She gave him a smug look making him blush.

" N-no! Of course not!!!! " He blushed.

"Haha! I'm just messing with you. But it does make me feel happy that you came over so I could see you again. Do you want something to drink?" She offered to him.

" Do you have any green tea?" He asked.

"Sure. Take a seat once you put the towel down first" She went to the kitchen.

Nishikata sat down after putting the towel down so he didn't get the couch wet.

Awhile later she gave back with two cups.

"Here you go" She handed him one.

"Thank you" He said accepting it and he began to drink it and Takagi sat down beside him.

" This is nice" Takagi said.

"Really? Even though we're supposed to go out the other day. " Nishikata said.

" I don't care where we are Nishikata. I just want to be with you" She flashed him a smile.

Nishikata felt his heart skip a beat looking at her like this. He knew he was really in love with her and nothing could ruin this.

"Plus now it's easier to tease you since we're not in public" She smiled.

' Except for that' He thought

Sorry for the wait.

Nishikata and Takagi in a game of Life Where stories live. Discover now