Chapter 21: Takagi joins

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This story has officially surpassed my other Takagi story in views. So thanks...I guess.

"Nishikata. It's time to wake up" Takagi gently pushed him a little so he would wake up.

" Mmm. W-where am I?" Nishikata asked once he was awake.

"You're at my house. Remember you spent the night here. " Takagi said.

They were no longer cuddling, they must have came off each other in their sleep.

"O-oh! R-right!...Wait what time is it?" Nishikata asked.

" Almost 9:30" Takagi checked the time on her phone.

"Oh crap!" Nishikata immediately stood up and grabbed his shoe and put them on.

"What's the matter?" Takagi asked.

"I got work at 10! Good thing I brought my work clothes with me. I can just change there. Sorry Takagi-san but I gotta go!" Nishikata said as he finished putting his shoes on.

" It's alright. Have a good day" Takagi said.

" Thanks bye! " Nishikata threw his jacket on and left immediately.

Takagi took the mugs from last night and washed them and she put away the blankets.

She the turned on the TV and watched some anime for a while.

After about 20 minutes she saw that she had a message from Nishikata.

Nishikata: Takagi-san... This is embarrassing... But I left my hat at home and I can't leave to get it. My parents aren't home either...So is there anyway you can go there and get it? The key is under the flowerpot outside and the hat should be in my room.

Takagi: Sure Nishikata.

Takagi put on her shoes and jacket and went to his house.

She unlocked the door and went inside to Nishikata's room. She chuckled at his Manga collection.

' Just mostly 100% unrequited love and the sequel 200%' Takagi thought.

She looked around his room and found his hat sitting on his bed.

She grabbed it and after locking his house back and putting the key under the flowerpot she went to his work.

He was there waiting for her at the entrance with the rest of his uniform already on.

"I brought your hat" Takagi said with it in her hands.

" Thank you so much Takagi-san! I owe you one! Now I gotta go so thanks again! " Nishikata said.

"Anytime Nishikata" Said Takagi.

Nishikata went to the back and began to work.

Takagi then turned to leave but she found something interesting on the window.

It was a help wanted sign.

Takagi smiled.

* A week later.

"Nishikata. We have a new employees today. We need you to train her. She's waiting over there" The manager pointed at a girl sitting down looking at the floor with her outfit already on.

"Yes sir" Nishikata walked over to the girl.

" Hello. I'm the one who is training you. My name is Nishikata." Nishikata introduced himself.

" I'm Takagi" The girl said.

" H-huh?" Said Nishikata.

The girl looked to reveal herself as Takagi.

" T-takagi-san! W-what are you doing here!?" Nishikata asked surprised.

" I'm here to work. I saw that this place was hiring so I came and they accepted my application" Takagi explained.

" B-but why get a job?" Asked Nishikata.

" So we can spend more time together" Takagi teased.

" N-no teasing in the job! " Nishikata said.

" No promises! " Takagi said.

" L-lets just get this over with" Nishikata said.

He showed her around the place.

" Suprised you get to train someone. You haven't even been here for long" Takagi said as Nishikata showed her around.

" Yeah I guess so. Anyway I need to teach you about taking orders. " Nishikata said.

" Go ahead" Takagi made sure to listen closely.

"So did you get all that?" Nishikata asked her.

"Hm? Sorry I was too busy staring into your eyes" Takagi Said making h blush.

" I said not at work Takagi-san!" Said Nishikata.

" I told you not promises! But I really did get all of it" Takagi said after finishing her laugh.

" T-then go ahead and start over there. I'll be on the other side of you need something. " Nishikata grumbled to himself as he walked away from her.

' Well. She did help me out last week so I guess I can forgive her this one time' Nishikata thought as he went to work on the other side.

He glanced a few times to Takagi who seemed to be doing well and having a good time in her first day.

' She's pretty good... Well it's Takagi-san so of course she is' Nishikata looked at her.

Takagi saw him looking at he gave him a wink before turning back to her customer.

' M-maybe I should focus on my own work' Nishikata thought with a blush.

After a few hours later it was Time for them both to get off.

"You get off at the same time as me?' Nishikata asked her as they left.

"Yep. It's the first day so I didn't have to work long" Takagi explained.

" R-right" Nishikata Said.

" I'm glad we get to work together Nishikata" Takagi said to him as they came closer to the area where they split up.

"Y-yeah. Me too" Nishikata said.

"Because we get to spend more time together. " Takagi said.

" Y-you already said that before" Nishikata said.

" And once again, you're blushing" Takagi smiled from his blush.

'D-damn. She is teasing me again but at least I can go home now' Nishikata thought.

"School opens back up again tomorrow. I'll see you there Nishikata. Bye" Takagi waved goodbye.

" B-bye" Nishikata said as she left.

He went home and laid on his bed with his thoughts.

' You know.... I wonder what Takagi-san would think if I told her I will be getting my own place soon' Nishikata thought.

Nishikata and Takagi in a game of Life Where stories live. Discover now