Chapter 31:End of school

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This story will end soon. Maybe like four or five chapters I guess. Honestly this took way too long, but then again it's hard to write about two characters without much character development and isn't a fighting manga as well.

Nishikata and Takagi sat down in what would be their final school day. After today they would no longer have to go to school, well Nishikata would go onto college at least.

As they sat down in their desk, Takagi reached into her bag and pulled out her handkerchief which Nishikata noticed immediately.

" You remember this Nishikata-kun?" Takagi asked showing it off to him.

" Oh yeah! I remember that from the day we first met! I'm surprised to see that you still have it though" Nishikata said.

" Of course I kept it. It means a lot to me, and it showed how nice you were. You turned up late to class just to turn it in. I was really happy" She smiled happily with a tiny blush on her face.

Nishikata's blush wasn't as tiny though.

"I-i just did what the right thing was" He turned back towards the front so he wouldn't get teased.

" Which just goes to show how nice you are" She smiled some more before putting her handkerchief away in her bag and focusing on the rest of the day.

Before it let out, they were allowed a bit of free time in their final class.

" Nishikata make sure you stay in touch with us" Nakai said to Nishikata.

"Yeah of course!" Nishikata agreed to keep in touch with his friend.

Takagi was talking with her friend Mano.

"So you're really going to move in with Nishikata-kun?" Mano asked surprised by this.

"We haven't made anything official, but that's the plan. What about you and Nakai kun?" Takagi asked.

"Well...I would like to do that" She blushed thinking about living with her boyfriend.

"You should get a job before doing so. Me and Nishikata-kun both have ones and he already can afford a apartment by himself." Takagi explained.

"Okay but why are you using Nishikata kun?" Mano asked.

"Hm. It's just a game" That's all she was going to say, which made Mano confused but left it at that.

An soon the final bell rang. Everyone said their goodbyes, Mina was crying because school was over. Sanae pulled her cheek which only made it worse, and Yukari just stood by and watched in disbelief. Nishikata's friends said their goodbyes and said to keep in touch. Takagi's friends, along with the female Verizon of the three stooges, said the same as well.

Nishikata and Takagi put on their outside shoes and walked out of the school for the final time together.

"Nishikata-kun. This makes me feel sad. " Takagi's smiled faded as soon as they left the school.

"Because we won't get to see our friends as much now?" Nishikata asked as they walked from school for the fianl time holding hands.

"Yes. But also this is our last time walking home from school. We'll never get to do this again" Her frown got bigger and Nishikata knew he had to say something immediately to make her feel better.

"W-well we can always walk home from our jobs together! A-and we can take walks during our free time to make up for it!" He hoped that would be enough to make Takagi cheer up.

And she did with a smile.

"I would like that" She closed her eyes as she smiled making him blush. " Oh can we make a stop on the way? I need to pick up something really quickly" She asked.

"Uh sure but what for?" Nishikata asked curiously.

"...It's a secret" She put a finger to her mouth.

Nishikata decided to wait and see what she was talking about. After a bit more walking they came to a photo place.

Nishikata waited outside for her and after about ten minutes she came back out holding a framed Photo.

"This is really special to me" She said looking at it from a angle Nishikata couldn't see.

"If it's a photo why not just take a picture with your phone?" Nishikata asked still not able to see what it was.

"Because I want to see this hung in a very special place when the time is Right" She put it away into her bag.

"When is that?" Nishikata questioned.

She just gave a smile before saying " When the time is right you'll be the first to know" She walked past him and started to head home with him following behind.

'What could the picture be of?...She took  picture of me once which was pretty embarrassing, but I don't think it meant that much too her.' He thought as he caught up to her.

"So Nishikata-kun. In a few days let's talk more about moving in together" Takagi suggested.

"Aren't you worried about leaving your parents alone?" He himself wasn't too happy about leaving his alone at the time.

"I have to move out sometime ya know. Plus my parents like you so they wouldn't have a problem. And it's not like they're a city away or anything like that, so it would be really easy to visit them anytime. " She explained which did make sense to Nishikata.

They came to their usual are where they split.

"Our final's kinda sad, a lot of memories of us meeting here and also splitting up. " She looked around the very familiar area.

"Y-yeah it's weird now that it's happening" He agreed with her.

"Well here we go." Takagi let go of his hand and started to walk in her direction home. " Bye Nishikata-kun" Takagi waved goodbye.

"See ya"He waved back an she started to head home too.

Takagi cried a bit as she went home. Unknown to her, and to the surprise of himself, Nishikata had a few tears himself.

I wonder if the Takagi movie will have a plot or just a bunch of sequences of teasing. I hope plot.

Nishikata and Takagi in a game of Life Where stories live. Discover now