Chapter 33: Together

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Season 3 is going so well. It really helps the animators when they don't have much action to animate.

And happy Valentine's day.

*Ding dong*

Nishikata rose out of bed from hearing his doorbell ring. He had only been asleep since 3 am since his work had him stay for overtime and he was only getting up now at 10 am.

'Must be my delivery.' He thought searching his bed hair as he approached the door. He weakly grabbed the handle, using it to push the door open.

"Good m-

"Hey Nishikata." Takagi was standing outside his door, dressed much better than he currently was.

Nishikata blinked twice before quickly slamming the door shut in a panic.

'WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE THIS EARLY!?' He thought as he leaned back against the door. Even on the other side of his door he could hear Takagi having a nice laugh.

He ran into his room throwing a cleaner shirt on and brushed his hair. A bit of dirt was on his face so he took a cloth and cleaned his face.

He went back to the door and took a breath before opening the door.

"H-hey Takagi." Nishikata said hoping that she didn't see too much of him just now.

"Hello Nishikata. Seems like you didn't know I was coming over" Takagi said.

'Tch! She knows!' He looked away from her for a bit.

"I even sent a message a a hour ago saying I was coming over." She held her phone up with the message as proof. " But I didn't expect you to still be asleep when it's nearly lunch time however" She slid her phone back into her pocket.

"So...why are you here?" Nishikata asked.

"I move in today." She explained.

"..........Oh! That's today!?" He had completely forgotten all about it till now.

"Seems so. So c'mon let's go get my stuff." She pointed out towards a moving van.

Nishikata was surprised she already had her stuff hauled over that quick.

"Did you already say bye to your family?" Nishikata asked as they walked down the stairs.

"Yeah. They were upset that I was leaving, but they knew I would have to go one day." Takagi took out a key and out it into the lock of the trailer door and opened it up. To Nishikata's surprise, there wasn't a lot of stuff in there.

"No bed?" He asked as Takagi picked up a box.

"We can share yours now." She said handing him the box and picking up a smaller one.

"What!?" He nearly dropped the box from hearing that.

"We are living together as a couple so it shouldn't be a problem." She walked up the steps with Nishikata behind her with the boxes.

Takagi placed her box down on the floor and Nishikata placed his besides her.

"There's only about five boxes left in the vehicle. Hopefully this isn't too hard" Takagi said.

"Not really." Years of push-ups paid off a lot more than he ever thought they would.

Once they got all the boxes back up, they started to unpack everything. Nishikata wasn't really sure where much of her stuff would go though. He really wasn't that comfortable with touching the clothes she brought either. He's just glad he opened the box with just shirts first.

"Here I'll take this and put them up" Takagi took the box and stacked it on top of the other box she already had which was also filled up with the rest of her clothes.

"M-my dresser has two drawers not in use and my closet is half empty" He said still embarrassed at her clothes.

She smiled and headed to his room, leaving Nishikata alone to go through the rest of the boxes. He picked a random one and opened it to find some random stuff.

'Some soaps..... lotions..... perfumes......nail polish.... Takagi really is a girl's He thought taking the stuff out of the box.

But he was surprised by what he found at the bottom.

It was the handkerchief that he returned to her on the first day they met.

Nishikata felt like getting a little emotional.

"Whatcha looking at dear?" Takagi said out of nowhere giving him a jump.

"J-just this." He showed her the handkerchief, which she took from him.

"Oh this! It's actually my favorite possession of mine." She said folding it back up.

"Why is that?" Nishikata asked and Takagi got closer to his face.

"Because this led me to meet you for the very first time. And ever since then my life has been great" She said and softly kissed his cheek making him blush some more.

'I don't even think that was a tease' Nishikata thought as Takagi took the rest of her clothes away. After she came back they unpacked everything else, even though it didn't look like much it still took the rest of the day to get through, and they ordered some delivery afterwards and put on a anime to watch together.

" It feels nice to finally live together dear" Takagi leaned her head into his shoulder as they watched.

"W-why are you saying dear all of a suddenly?" Nishikata asked feeling even more embarrassed then when she dropped the kun from his name.

"It's what couples do and something I want to do as well..... Oh look at the time, it's almost midnight" Takagi sat up on the couch.

"Yeah well we did spend all day unpacking. Let's get to bed." Nishikata got up from the couch, not exactly ready to sleep in the same bed as his girlfriend.

"Go ahead, I'll change in the bathroom and meet you in there" Takagi said grabbing her bedtime clothes.

"O-oh okay" He said not thinking he could handle seeing her in bedtime clothes.

"Disappointed?" Takagi asked.

"About what? He asked back.

"That we won't be changing in the same room tonight" She said turning him even redder.

"THAT NEVER EVEN CROSSED MY MIND!" He yelled while Takagi couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.

Nishikata lied down in bed with a normal shirt and soft shorts as she waited for Takagi to get back from her changing.

' Damnit I can't even get the thought of what you are wearing out of my head...' He thought to himself as he waited when he heard a knock on his door. "Come in!"He called out hearing the knock.

Takagi came in wearing what she would wear to bed as a child, only in a size that would fit her now as an adult. Nishikata was speechless from how cute she looked.

She walked over after turning off the lights and slid in the bed on the other side of Nishikata, who had turned over because he was being shy.

"Nishikata, face me please." Takagi said looking at his back.

"W-why?" He asked not moving.

"Cuz I want to see you." She responded with her soft voice.

Nishikata stayed still for a few seconds before turning around to see her looking at him. Even though it was dark, she was really close so he could see her easily.

She got even closer and snuggled up nicely to him. Nishikata was glad it was dark enough that she couldn't see the color of his face at least. But he was able to wrap a arm around her and gently pull her close to him.

"Goodnight Dear" That was Takagi's last words before she fell asleep.

"G-goodnight" Nishikata said, last thing Takagi heard.

Nishikata had to call out of work the next day because he barely got any sleep with Takagi in his bed cuddling him the whole night.

Nishikata and Takagi in a game of Life Where stories live. Discover now