Chapter 12: Winter season

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Nishikata turned on his tv in his room to hear how the weather would be in the morning

"It looks like it will be mostly sunny and around 70°f degrees for the next three days. Which seems to be strange as we are in the middle of winter, only two weeks away from Christmas" Said the weather man.

'Oh c'mon! I want some snow so we can have no school! ' Thought Nishikata.

He decided to go to sleep and turned off the tv before wrapping himself in blankets and then falling asleep.

*The next day

Nishikata shivered to himself as he wrapped a scarf around his neck.

It was nearly 10 degrees°f and it had already began to snow with about several a  couple of inches already piled up.

Nishikata suddenly got hit in the back of the head by a snowball.

"What the-

" Hey Nishikata" Said Takagi

"Takagi-san did you throw a snowball at me!?" Asked Nishikata.

"Yep!" Said Takagi taking a hold of Nishikata's hand.

"Oh your hands pretty cold Nishikata. But at least you're blush is keeping your face warm" Said Takagi teasing Nishikata.

" W-well it is pretty cold after all" Said Nishikata as they started to walk towards school.

" It's really starting to pile up with snow. School might get cancelled Nishikata" Said Takagi.

" I hope so. Then I can spend the day reading manga" Said Nishikata.

" You should try to study or your grades will fall" Said Takagi.

They soon came to their school but found the gate closed with a sign attached.

"Yep school is closed today" Said Takagi.

"Yes! Now we can just go home" Said Nishikata.

They turned around and started to head home.

Unfortunately when they got to the spot where they split up Nishikata saw a bunch of cars blocking the way towards his house with piles of snow on the sidewalk.

"Oh great! I have to walk through all of that! " Said Nishikata.

" You might catch a cold if you do all that" Said Takagi.

"Then what am I supposed to do? " Asked Nishikata.

Takagi looked down her road and she had a idea.

"My way is pretty clear. I guess they already came by and cleared it. " said Takagi.

" Your so lucky Takagi-san" Said Nishikata.

" Come over to my house. " Said Takagi.

"... Huh? " Said Nishikata.

" I said, come over to my house Nishikata" Said Takagi.

"W-why? " Asked Nishikata.

"Because." Said Takagi.

"Because why?" Asked Nishikata.

"Because I don't want you to go through all that and it might be awhile before they clear out through there" Said Takagi.

" I guess that's true" Said Nishikata.

"Then it's decided" Said Takagi taking Nishikata to her house.

Takagi unlocked her door and she and Nishikata went inside taking their shoes off at the door for.

"I'm going to make some hot chocolate. Do you want any? " Asked Takagi.

" Sure. I will call my parents and let them know I am here" Said Nishikata.

"Alright. I will call mine later" Said Takagi.

She went into the kitchen as Nishikata called his parents to let him know where he is. After doing so he went into the living room to wait.

He looked across the walls to find several pictures of Takagi with her parents.

'I think this is the third time I've been here. I only met her parents once' Thought Nishikata.

Takagi soon came there holding two mugs of hot chocolate giving one to Nishikata.

"Thanks Takagi-san" Said Nishikata accepting the mug.

" Anytime. How about some tv? " Asked Takagi.

" Sure" Said Nishikata.

Takagi turned on the TV and together they watched TV together for awhile.

* A few hours later.

"Hey Takagi-san.The road is probably cleared by now. I should really get going" Said Nishikata.

" You can stay longer if you want" Said Takagi.

" N-no I'm fine" Said Nishikata.

He put his jacket and scarf on and he put his shoes back on. He then reached for the doorknob.

"Nishikata wait!" Said Takagi.

"What is it?" Asked Nishikata.

" Come look at this" Said Takagi near a window.

Nishikata came over to her and he looked outside the window. There he saw that the snow had really liked up. It looked to be a few feel high and was really stocked against the door to the house.

"It doesn't look like you will be able to get out without letting a snow inside" Said Takagi.

" But I have to get home or-

"Looks like your staying after all" Said Takagi.

"But what about your parents? " Asked Nishikata.

" They told me that they are most likely going to be stuck as well. So it will be just us" Said Takagi smiling at him.

" B-but-

"What's wrong Nishikata? Don't you want to stay here longer with me? " Asked Takagi getting a little bit close to him.

" I g-guess it's fine t-t-then" Said Nishikata.

"Them it's decided" Said Takagi.

They kept watching TV for a while before it got dark and they decided to go to sleep.

"So I guess I will sleep on the couch" Said Nishikata.

"You can sleep in my room" Said Takagi.

"T-that doesn't seem l-like a good idea" Said Nishikata.

" Why not? It would be just like a sleepover" Said Takagi.

" B-but I wouldn't feel comfortable s-s-sharing a bed"

"I have a sleeping bag in my room that you can use" Said Nishikata.

" I guess that could work but-

"Then it's decided" Said Takagi.

'I might pass out' Thought Nishikata getting flustered.

Takagi led him upstairs into her room and brought out a sleeping bag and laid it out across the floor for Nishikata to use.

"I'm going to go ahead and go to sleep. Don't do anything to me while I sleep" Said Takagi teasing Nishikata.

" I wouldn't do anything like that!" Yelled a red Nishikata.

"Haha. Just making sure" Said Takagi.

She turned off the lights after Nishikata was rolled up in the sleeping bag and then she went over to her own bed.

'This will not be easy. I've never slept in the same room with a girl before. No just don't think about it! Just empty your mind... Empty your mind... Empty your mind... Empty you-

Nishikata soon fell asleep.

Nishikata and Takagi in a game of Life Where stories live. Discover now