Chapter 11: Friendly hangout

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If you didn't know, the reason I didn't update this for a while is because I had surgery. So here ya go.

"Pssst Nishikata" Said Takagi in her chair getting Nishikata's attention.

"What is it Takagi-san?" Asked Nishikata.

Takagi placed a note on his desk before going back to her book listening to the teacher.

' Why would Takagi-san give me a letter? I better just open it up so I don't get teased like last time' Thought Nishikata as he unfolded the note.

It read:

'Nishikata let's hangout after school today since you don't have track today.'

Nishikata wrote a bit on the note and passed it back to Takagi.

Takagi unfolded the letter and it read:

' That's fine with me but how did you know that I didn't have track? '

Takagi wrote back and tossed him another note that read:

' I heard from some friends that the coach got sick so it was cancelled. Meet me by the school lockers at the end of the day'

Nishikata looked at Takagi who gave him a smile making him blush a little bit.

*After school

Nishikata walked towards the lockers to find Takagi already waiting for him with her outside shoes on.

"Hey Nishikata" Said Takagi

"H-hey Takagi-san" Said Nishikata.

"Let's get going" Said Takagi.

Nishikata quickly put on his shoes and followed Takagi outside and they proceed to walk side by side.

"S-so what are we going to be doing today?" Asked Nishikata.

" I thought we could go see a movie. A silent voice is playing. And then we can walk together while heading home" Said Takagi.

" Alright sounds nice to me" Said Nishikata.

Together they made it to the movie theater and bought tickets. They quickly went over to the snack bar.

"Hmmm let's see. How much yen do you have left Nishikata?" Asked Takagi.

" About 500 yen, what about you? " Asked Nishikata (About 4.64$)

" I have 800 yen" Said Takagi (About 7.43$)

"Doesn't seem like we can each get much" Said Nishikata.

" Oh how about this? " Said Takagi pointing at a couples special for a tub of popcorn and two drinks for 1,300 yen ( About 12.08)

"B-b-but that's for c-c-c-couples!" Said Nishikata blushing.

" Yes but we can just pretend to be one. It's the only option really, we just have to put our money together" Said Takagi.

" A-alright fine" Said Nishikata.

They paid for their stuff and they quickly went inside the room where the movie was being played. They decided to sit in the back so they could get a good look at the screen.

Almost as soon as they sat down the fill started to play. Nishikata and Takagi placed the popcorn bucket in between them so it would be easier to share.

Unfortunately for Nishikata about Halfway through the movie Takagi reached inside the bucket but so did Nishikata  and their hands touched.

"Ahhhh!" Yelled Nishikata to which some of the other people in the theater told him to shush to which he apologized for.

Takagi giggled to herself from Nishikata's reaction and they continued to watch the movie.

Unfortunately a few minutes later during the movie Nishikata and Takagi saw a bunch of other couples in the theater start to make out with one another.

'Aww jeez. How can they do this without getting so embarrassed? Then again I bet none of them get teased by their friend ' Thought Nishikata

"Hey Nishikata do you mind?" Asked Takagi.

"Huh? M-mind what?" Asked Nishikata looking at Takagi in the dark.

He didn't hear a response from her.

'She doesn't mean kiss right? Yeah no way' Thought Nishikata.

Suddenly he saw Takagi pucker her lips slightly and moved towards him.

Nishikata was lucky it was dark enough to cover up his blush.

Nishikata started to panic inside not knowing what to do.

'What should I do?!? If I push her away I might send off the wrong message! But if I kiss her I will have to admit I like her and I'm not ready for that! ' Thought Nishikata as Takagi got close.

"Nishikata?" Said Takagi.

"Y-yes?" Asked Nishikata.

"Your hogging the popcorn bucket" Said Takagi.

"..... Huh?" Said Nishikata.

" You have the bucket where I can't reach" Said Takagi taking the bucket and placing it back between them and she gave a smile that Nishikata barely saw.

'No way! She definitely did that on purpose! ' Thought Nishikata.

*After the movie.

Nishikata and Takagi were now walking home after the movie.

"So did you have fun Nishikata?" Asked Takagi.

"Y-y-yeah it was very fun" Said Nishikata.

" I really liked it" Said Takagi.

" Yeah the movie was pretty good" Said Nishikata.

" I didn't mean the movie" Said Takagi.

" Huh? Oh you mean teasing me" Said Nishikata.

" Not that either" Said Takagi as they came near her house.

"Huh? Then what did you like?" Asked Nishikata.

" It's a secret" Said Takagi.

" Bu -

"Alright this is my house. Thanks for the fun time. I will see you tomorrow" Said Takagi entering in her house to leave Nishikata alone to his thoughts.

' What could she have mean? The handholding was part of the teasing for sure but she said it wasn't the teasing so it's not that' Thought Nishikata as he made his way home.

'Then what could she have meant?.... Wait... The part about us being a couple??? ' Thought Nishikata.

He blushed to himself as he made it home and went to sleep still blushing.

Nishikata and Takagi in a game of Life Where stories live. Discover now