Chapter 9: Plan into action

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Guys I saw something cursed. Even worse than hentai of this anime.
I saw a picture of Takagi... Being paired with... someone else... I... I think need some alone time....

Nishikata sighed to himself as he put his journal underneath his bed and stood up.

' This is it. My plan to finally tease Takagi-san. All thanks to the ending of 100 % unrequited love' Thought Nishikata.

A week before Takagi came back, Nishikata had watched the final episode of his favorite anime, lucky for him there would be a sequel coming.

The main male character had caught the girl against the wall. He had one hand leaning against the wall as his body was close to hers, staring deep into her eyes saying" you are pretty", causing the girl to blush very deep red.

And this is exactly what Nishikata plans to do.

'If only I had the courage to confess to her. Sorry Takao-kun. It's just not the right time. I have to tease her first!' Nishikata thought to himself as he closed the door to his house.

"Hey Nishikata" Said Takagi waiting outside his house.

"H-hey Takagi-san" Said Nishikata.

They grabbed hands and started to wall to school together.

'I already figured out where to do it at. Right after lunch. Takagi-san is usually slow cleaning up so most people will have already left and we both have it together and thankfully it's the last lunch period so I won't have to worry about anyone seeing us. ' Nishikata thought to himself.

"Hey Nishikata. Are you planning something?" Asked Takagi on the opposite side of Nishikata.

"W-what!? Why would you t-think that?" Asked Nishikata sweating nervously.

" It's written on your face. So what are you planning?" Asked Takagi.

"I don't know what you are t-t-talking about" Said Nishikata.

"Well whatever it is, I doubt it will work but I'm still curious as to what it is"" Said Takagi smiling happily.

' Damnit. Now this will be harder to pull off' Thought Nishikata.

*Several hours later

Nishikata sat with Takagi as they both ate their rice balls and drunk some juice that Nishikata bought for Takagi after losing a game on the way to the school.

Soon they heard the bell ring and everyone in the cafeteria started to throw away their trash and head to their next class.

Nishikata waited patiently for Takagi to clean up her mess while looking around to make sure no students were around.

After Takagi finished she and Takagi started to walk to class, with Nishikata making sure Takagi was as close to the wall as possible.

' Alright Nishikata. This is it. Just get it over with. Afterwards you get to see takagi-san lose. So just rip it off like a band-aid' Thought Nishikata.

"Hey T-takagi-san?" Said Nishikata halting in his tracks.

"What is it Nishikata?" Asked Takagi also stopping to face Nishikata.

Nishikata very awkwardly raised his right hand as he shook in nerves and placed it against the wall close to Takagis head.

Nishikata lifted his eyes to meet Takagis and he saw a suprised look on her face.

' C'mon Nishikata. Just say it! Nishikata thought to himself.

"Nishikata?" Said Takagi.

"T-takagi-san. Y-y-you.....l.... l-look... "

" Yeah? " Said Takagi.

" Pr-


They both heard the sound of the bell going off.

"Oh no! We are late for class!" Said Nishikata backing off of Takagi.

" Wait Nishikata! What were you going to say?" Asked Takagi.

"I.. uh.. j-just forget about it! We should get to class! " Said Nishikata rushing away to his classroom.

Takagi let out a sigh and a blush.

'So close. You almost had it Nishikata. Just another second and you would have made me blush completely. Maybe then we could finally be together.............. I should get to class as well' Thought Takagi as she walked to her class.

Sorry about the wait guys.

Nishikata and Takagi in a game of Life Where stories live. Discover now