Chapter 16: Summer break

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Takagi looked in the mirror as she placed her sun hat on top of her head and smiled as she admired herself in the mirror.

' Perfect' Thought Takagi.

She grabbed a few things like her phone and some yen and headed out the door and began walking.

She didn't have anywhere specific to go to. She just felt like walking today and just going where ever.

And of course she would run into Nishikata. As she turned into the corner she came face to face with him.

"AH!" Yelled Nishikata as he fell back and Takagi chuckled to herself.

"Y-you alright Nishikata?" Asked Takagi after finishing her laughter.

"Y-yeah I am" Said Nishikata embarrassed he fell in front of her.

Takagi reached out her hand to help him up which Nishikata accepted.

"Nice to see you Nishikata" Said Takagi.

"Y-you too Takagi-san" Said Nishikata.

"So where are you going?" Asked Takagi.

" I was just out walking" Said Nishikata.

" What a coincidence. I was as well. Do you want to walk together? " Asked Takagi.

" S-sure" Said Nishikata.

They both walked in no particular direction side by side.

"So are you disappointed?" Asked Takagi.

"About what?" Asked Nishikata.

"That you don't have to hold my hand today" Said Takagi.

" I-I NEVER SAID I WANTED TO! " Said Nishikata blushing.

"Ha ha. You're just so easy to tease Nishikata" Said Takagi laughing once again.

" One of these days I will get you back" Said Nishikata.

"Well... Maybe if you weren't so dense you would stand a chance" Said Takagi.

" Huh? What's that mean?" Asked Nishikata.

" Hm. Who knows? "Asked Takagi looking up at the clouds.

' Dense? I'm not dense. She's just to smart' Thought Nishikata.

" So what did you think of our school year?" Asked Takagi.

" It was alright. Track was fun I guess. What about you?" Asked Takagi.

"It was great. I got to see my favorite person all year" Said Takagi.

"W-who would that be?" Asked Nishikata.

" That's a secret" Said Takagi.

"Oh I see" Said Nishikata.

They walked for a few minutes in silence.

" Hey Nishikata there's that river we went to cool off at" Said Takagi pointing at the river they skipped stones at.

" Oh yeah that was a few years ago." Said Nishikata.

"And one of the first times you held my hand" Said Takagi.

" I-i told you that it didn't count!" Saida red Nishikata.

" Ha ha I know. But it was still fun right? " Asked Takagi.

" Y-yeah it was" Said Nishikata.

" You made me happy by letting yourself get wet instead of me" Said Takagi.

" Well I wouldn't just let you fall! " Said Nishikata.

" Well maybe I can catch you next time" Said Takagi making him blush some more.

" Y-yeah" Said Nishikata.

" You hot?" Asked Takagi looking at his red face.

"95 degrees is the weather so yeah! " Said Nishikata making an excuse.

" Then how about we go get some ice cream" Suggested Takagi.

" I didn't bring any yen" Said Nishikata.

" It's alright I can buy yours" Said Takagi.

"I don't know if I can allow you to do that" Said Nishikata.

" Just think of it as payment for all the times you paid me for juice when you lost" Said Takagi.

" O-o-okay" Said Nishikata agreeing.

They both got their ice cream and walked once again while eating it on the way back home.

"Do you know which classes you will have this year?" Asked Takagi.

" Not yet. Do you? " Asked Nishikata.

" Nope.I want us to be together though" Said Takagi taking a lick of her ice cream.

"I guess it would be good to be together in classes again" Said Nishikata finishing his.

They soon came back to Takagis house.

" We were out for nearly three hours. Thanks for walking with me. It made it more fun than walking alone" Said Takagi.

" A-anytime" Said Nishikata.

" Well see ya Nishikata. I hope we're together in the future. " Said Takagi opening her door.

" Yeah I hope we have the same classes as well" Said Nishikata.

"I wasn't talking about our classes" Said Takagi going into her house.

" Huh? " Said Nishikata watching the door close.

' What did she mean then?... No... She didn't mean it like that. That's crazy' Thought Nishikata walking away with a blush.

Nishikata and Takagi in a game of Life Where stories live. Discover now