❄Ch. 24: Mother Knows Best❄

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A/N #1: There were a few comments saying that I should use 'you' instead of 'she' so I'm gonna try that.

~Character Info~

Quirk: Winter's Breath

Hero Name: Frostbite

Hero Costume: long white sleeve shirt, blue shorts, long blue sleeveless coat w/ white fur that reaches a bit past the hips, and white knee-high boots w/ short heels

Occupation: Pro Hero/Sidekick

Affiliation: Hawks' Agency

Age: 21

Height: 5'2"

Hair: Shoulder-length and white w/ bangs (R.I.P. long hair ;-;)

Eye Color: Turquoise

Likes: Iced Coffee, Ice Cream

Dislikes: the heat

Fears: Heights


It was now Friday and with the week finally coming to a close that meant that it was time to visit your mother. You had not been able to for a while due to work. That was not the only reason though. With Touya's appearance in the past year, you had felt guilty about keeping it from everyone, most of all, her.

The halls of the psychiatric ward were quiet as you made your way to your mother's room. You had not come empty handed though. In your hands was a container of home-made banana muffins that you had baked beforehand. Baking was not your forte but you thought they had turned out pretty well after not doing it for so long. Walking up to the door, you then turned the knob and entered.

Upon seeing the warm smile on her face, you placed the muffins down onto the table before running up to embrace her where she sat on the bed. "Mom it's so good to see you again. I missed you. So much." Months had felt like years with everything that had been going on. It killed you to have to keep it all a secret from her. But you would only worry her if she knew the truth.

"(Y/N), I'm so happy you came. I missed you very much too my little snowflake," she responded as she hugged you tightly. That nickname made you feel like a little girl all over again. It was another reminder of happier times. She broke the embrace and looked at you. "You seem different..."

You knew she was not just talking about your hair. She had seen through your façade. Convincing her was going to be a difficult task as well. Even after all this time apart, you were foolish to think that she would not notice. She was your mother after all.

"Mom, what are you talking about? I'm still the same (Y/N). I've just been stressed with work is all," you smiled, doing your best to assure her.

"Oh well if you're sure honey. But don't forget that you can tell me anything, okay?" she replied, not seeming too convinced by your answer. You knew she was only looking out for you, but you had to protect her too as a hero. No, as her daughter.

"Okay Mom. Now how about you try some of these banana muffins I made for you?" you told her as you picked up the container of baked treats from the table. You took the lid off and grabbed one, handing it to her.

"Thank you. These look delicious." She took the muffin from you and peeled off the foil wrapper before taking a bite. "And they taste delicious too."

"I'm glad you like them. They're all for you so make sure to eat up." She looked to be in much better spirits since the last time you saw her which brought you some relief. You were a bit anxious about the state she would be in but now you could set those worries aside. "You seem to be doing well Mom."

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