❄Ch. 3: No More Chances❄

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~Character Info~

Quirk: Winter's Breath

Hero Name: Frostbite (sounds more like a villain name but I'm just gonna go ahead and go with it lol)

Occupation: Pro Hero/Sidekick

Affiliation: Endeavor Agency

Age: 20

Height: 5'2"

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Turquoise

I'll probably add more to this later on.


As the week rolled by (Y/N) slept, cleaned, and watched television at home for the majority of her recovery. She had called the agency while at the hospital, telling them that they had recommended that she take at least a week off from hero work. She could have stopped by the agency but she still felt bad about her blunder from last week's patrol and facing her father was too much for her to handle right now.

The following week (Y/N) was back at the Endeavor Agency, ready to resume her hero work once again. On her way up to her respective office, she was greeted by some of the sidekicks welcoming her back and asking about her recovery. As soon as she got to her floor she ran into Burnin, the sidekick who had been on patrol with her the day she was injured. She had been told that while chasing after the spiked villain, they had caused another accident which forced Burnin to abandon the chase and assist some civilians.

"Frostbite welcome back!" the flaming green-haired woman told her enthusiastically. "Sorry, I couldn't get to you in time."

"Oh no please don't worry about it, protecting the civilians comes first!" she assured her, walking to her desk which was next to the other sidekick.

"I know but we Flaming Sidekickers need to look out for each other" she responded. "Also, Endeavor wants you in his office asap."

"Oh okay, got it..." she responded, setting her things down at her desk before she headed towards the elevators.

He probably wants to talk to me about my slip up on patrol. Yup. Definitely glad to be back.

This wasn't the first time that (Y/N) had been called to his office like this but it always made her feel uneasy since she didn't know what to expect from him.

As she stepped off the elevator on the top floor she noticed a pair of familiar bright red wings. Hawks was further down the hall talking to one of the other sidekicks. He had immediately noticed her though as he turned towards her direction.

"Hey, Frostbite!" he said, calling her over.

"Oh hi, are you headed to Endeavor's office too?" she questioned with a smile.

"Yeah, I was just waiting on you actually," he told her as he walked next to her.

"Oh, I see. What for exactly?" she asked, curious.

"You'll see," he replied as they both continued to make their way down the long hall.

I wonder why he's joining us, thought this would just be between me and him.

However, (Y/N)'s smile faded when they got to the doors as Hawks opened them so they could both step inside. When they entered Endeavor's office she saw that he was standing by his desk at the center of the room looking as intimidating as ever.

"You shouldn't have been so careless out there," the flame hero told her as soon as the doors closed behind them.

"Careless? I couldn't even activate my quirk!" she responded, ready to defend herself. "If they hadn't caught me off guard I know I could've-"

"You're just making excuses. This isn't the first time that you've had a close call and it won't be the last" he said with a cold tone, sitting down in his desk chair. "Civilians could've died on your watch."

"You're right... I really did fail out there" she admitted, looking away from him. "I let those villains trick me like a fool..."

"C'mon Endeavor, cut her some slack" Hawks told him. "She'll be working at my agency starting tomorrow."

"Wait what?" she said in disbelief. "Y-you're dropping me from your agency?"

"Not exactly, Endeavor here thought that a change of scenery might do you good," Hawks spoke up again.

"He's not serious, is he?" she asked looking back at her father.

His silence confirmed her answer as anger began to settle in.

"I know I messed up but don't you think I deserve another chance? I've worked my ass off these past two years here. I'm not done yet. And seriously? You agreed with him?" she said, turning to Hawks.

"I've already given you plenty of chances to prove yourself," he said, looking fed up.

"Well I'm not just gonna-" she began before her father interrupted her.

"My decision is final," he responded with a stern tone.

With those last words, (Y/N) left the room, slamming the doors shut as she speed-walked out, not caring if it upset him.

Natsuo was right. I should have never joined his agency, to begin with.

Tears threatened to fall down her face as she made her way to the end of the hall. Hawks had come out of the office as well, running after her just as she stepped into the elevator.

"Hey, it's not that I agreed with him. Endeavor happened to bring it up the other day and I offered to take you on" he tried to explain, catching up with her. "If this is about being bumped down to the number three's agency then I-"

"This isn't about rankings or anything like that. Someone like you just wouldn't understand..." she said pressing the button to close the doors, leaving him behind on the top floor.

The very next day (Y/N) came back to the agency to collect her things, much to the disappointment of some of the sidekicks who hadn't expected her sudden departure. She was going to miss the place and the people there, well all except for her father of course.

When she arrived at Hawks' agency a little later she was greeted by the receptionist who told her that he'd been expecting her and to head on up to the highest floor. After making sure that she had the correct room, she took a deep breath before knocking.

Well here goes nothing.

"Come on in," he told her.

Despite still not being thrilled at having been "kicked out" of her father's agency she needed to act professionally and set those feelings aside. Working for the number three pro hero was no joke so she had to give it her all here. Her plan was to get stronger or else she'd be in danger of falling behind or failing again.

"Here to report for hero work," she said stepping up to his desk.

"Good, you made it. Now let's get started, shall we?" he said with a grin on his face.


A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed chapter 3! I'm still working on chapter 4 so idk when it'll be done but hopefully by the start of next week.


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