❄Ch. 4: Feathers and Fashion❄

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~Character Info~

Quirk: Winter's Breath

Hero Name: Frostbite (sounds more like a villain name but I'm just gonna go ahead and go with it lol)

Occupation: Pro Hero/Sidekick

Affiliation: Hawks' agency

Age: 20

Height: 5'2"

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Turquoise

Likes: Iced Coffee

I'll probably add more to this later on.


(Y/N) was seated at a separate desk across the room from Hawks, filling out the necessary paperwork in order to be officially registered into the agency while he was busy typing away at his computer. All she could think about at the moment was how rude she had acted toward the pro hero the day before. The right thing to do was to apologize to him. After she mentally prepared what she was going to say, she spoke up, finally breaking the silence.

"Um, I just wanna say that I'm sorry about yesterday," she told him. "I may have overreacted a bit in there. It was Endeavor's decision in the first place."

"It's all in the past, no need to worry about it now," he responded, not looking up from his screen.

"I see, well thanks for having me on board then. I really do appreciate it," she said, trying to place a small smile on her face after having felt guilty since yesterday.

For the next two weeks, Hawks had (Y/N) help around the agency, wanting her to take a bit more time to fully recover. She spent most of that time taking emergency phone calls and helping the other sidekicks plan out patrols and the like since she already had prior experience. Although she had been itching to get back out into the field, she knew she'd only be a hindrance out there in her current condition.

One morning while (Y/N) was at her desk taking a quick break with a cup of iced coffee, Hawks approached her.

"Hey Frostbite, wanna head on over to the Nishimura modeling studio with me?" he asked her, a grin on his face.

"Nishimura as in the Kiyomi Nishimura?" she questioned excitedly.

"Yeah, I thought you'd like to tag along. I know you're just dying to get out of here," he joked, seeing how enthusiastic she was getting.

"Yes, of course, I'll go," she said a little too eagerly.

"Someone seems a little too excited to get out," he chuckled.

"Why wouldn't I be? Kiyomi Nishimura is huge in the modeling and fashion industry," she started explaining to the pro. "She's one of the top designers in all of Japan and has been modeling for years."

"Sounds like you really know your stuff. Let's get going then," he said, making his way to the door.

When he told me earlier this week that I'd get to do something outside of the agency today I didn't think this is what he had in mind. Not that I'm complaining.

As soon as (Y/N) and Hawks arrived at the modeling studio, they were greeted by the receptionist who told them to go to the fifth floor. Once there they were met with a very excited Kiyomi Nishimura who wore a bright neon orange-colored dress with her hot pink hair up in buns.

"You're here! Welcome back, I can't wait for you to model my new Vintage Wonders collection!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Glad to be back Nishimura," Hawks told her.

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