❄Ch. 1: Frostbite❄

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A note from future author here. I know this story is far from perfect. It needs a lot of work, hopefully, I'll be able to make it better when I have the opportunity. Anyway lol just a heads-up, thank you for giving it a chance though.

Hey y'all, this is my first time posting a story on Wattpad so I'm excited to see how this will turn out. I figured I'd try to improve my writing a bit more before classes start up again at the end of August. Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy it!

~Character Info~

Quirk: Winter's Breath

Hero Name: Frostbite (sounds more like a villain name but I'm just gonna go ahead and go with it lol)

Occupation: Pro Hero/Sidekick

Affiliation: Endeavor Agency

Age: 20

Height: 5'2"

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Turquoise

I'll probably add more to this later on.


(Y/N) leaned against one of the glass windows as she looked outside towards the city below. She was currently waiting on her next assignment trying to get some fresh air as her ever-growing headache from this morning was getting worse and worse.

Seriously? Why hasn't the Advil kicked in already? I can't concentrate on anything right now.

(Y/N) felt under a lot of pressure here at the Endeavor Agency. She wanted to prove herself to her father and show him that she could make something of herself despite not having his quirk. Although it had been two years since she'd graduated from U.A. she had yet to accomplish much in his eyes. Her quirk wasn't as powerful as she wanted it to be and as a result, she hadn't moved up much in the agency.

"C'mon Frostbite! You're with me today!" Burnin, one of the many sidekicks at the agency told her as they walked towards the elevator doors.

Too caught up in her own thoughts (Y/N) hadn't noticed that she had been called.

"Hey, you coming or what?!" the flaming green-haired hero yelled.

"Oh yeah of course! My bad," she responded as she made her way towards the elevator doors as well.

Once they were in the city (Y/N) did her best to focus her attention on the task at hand. The streets seemed quiet today but a villain attack could happen at any time so they needed to be alert. She was used to patrols though, not being as physically strong as most of the other heroes at the agency, she was put on more patrols than anything, acting as support.

Suddenly a loud crash came from down the block followed by screaming civilians. Burnin and (Y/N) rushed over to find a villain on top of a car that had crashed into a nearby lamppost. Metal spikes were sticking out of their body as they propelled themselves onto the roof of another car.

"Frostbite I need you to evacuate the people in the area!" Burnin shouted to (Y/N) as she chased after the villain. "Back up should be here soon!"

The evacuation had been going smoothly until (Y/N) saw a lone little girl by one of the buildings crying. She quickly made her way over to them.

"I'm scared," the child explained to her with fear in her voice as she approached her. "I can't find my mommy."

"Don't worry, you're safe now," she told her, trying to calm them down. "I'll get you to your mommy."

All of a sudden (Y/N)'s body went still and she was unable to move any of her limbs. It took a moment for her brain to register that the little girl in front of her was far from any need of help.

There were two of you all along??!

"Y-you're-" she said in disbelief as she was interrupted by the girl.

"I can't believe you actually fell for it. One down and just one more to go," the brown-haired girl giggled menacingly. "Well, time to say good-bye now," she told her as she deactivated her quirk with a snap of her fingers.

At this exact moment, a metal spike came out of nowhere. Since (Y/N) was completely immobile, she was defenseless as her body was slammed through the glass window of the office building behind her. Laying on the floor of glass shards she brought herself up to a sitting position in an attempt to get up only to feel a sharp pain in her side. Looking down she realized that a long glass shard was protruding from the right side of her body.

Dammit. Why wasn't I more careful?

Blood was starting to drip down and she knew if she tried to take the piece out it'd only result in more blood loss. Her head was pounding now and her vision began to get a bit blurry. The last thing she heard was the sound of sirens in the distance as she fell unconscious.

When (Y/N) awoke in the hospital the first thing she heard was two familiar voices. She turned to see two of her siblings Fuyumi and Natsuo sitting by her bed.

"(Y/N)! You're awake! Thank goodness!" Fuyumi exclaimed happily.

"You really had us worried," Natsuo joined in. "You've been asleep for the past two days."

"Did they get them?" she asked them, afraid that her carelessness had allowed the villains to escape.

"Um... well no, they actually both got away, we heard it on the news," Fuyumi told her with a worried expression on her face. "But that's not what matters right now. We didn't know what to think when the agency contacted us."

"You guys worry too much. Look, I'm fine aren't I?" she assured them. Though the slight frown on her face wasn't convincing them.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" Natsuo asked her, concerned.

"I let my guard down and look at what happened," she responded. "I'm supposed to be better than this, I'm Endeavor's daughter for crying out loud."

"(Y/N) I think you're being a bit too harsh on yourself," Fuyumi said. "Besides weren't there only two of you?"

"Burnin and I? Yeah, though I bet she's thinking about how I let her and the agency down right now," she told her with a sigh.

"Why do you care so much about impressing him after all that's happened?" Natsuo muttered. "I don't know why you even decided to join his agency in the first place."

"What was that Natsuo?" she asked him as she placed her attention on her younger brother.

"Nothing. Fuyumi I'm gonna be waiting in the lobby. Get better soon (Y/N)," he told her with an angry tone as he shut the door behind him.

"Natsuo wait!" Fuyumi called after him, getting up from her chair.

"Fuyumi don't bother. I know he's still upset with me" she told her as she adjusted her place in the bed. "Though I also know he still cares. I mean he did make the effort to come see me so it's fine. I don't blame him."

"I just want us all to get along" she insisted, sitting back down.

"I know. We'll get there eventually" she assured her older sister.

"I guess you're right..." she responded, her eyes downcast. "I should probably get going and let you rest now though. Oh, that's right. Shoto wanted to come see you but he's been so busy with school lately and with the whole dorm situation-"

"That's fine, I know he's been working hard," she replied. I'll pay him a visit as soon as I'm discharged."

With a final good-bye, (Y/N)'s sister left her alone in her hospital room. She then turned to lay on her left side, the ache on the opposite side reminding her of her mistake once again.

At least that damn headache is finally gone.



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