❄Ch. 8: A Flame from the Past❄

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~Character Info~

Quirk: Winter's Breath

Hero Name: Frostbite

Hero Costume: long white sleeve shirt, blue shorts, long blue sleeveless coat w/ white fur that reaches a bit past the hips, and white knee-high boots w/ short heels

Occupation: Pro Hero/Sidekick

Affiliation: Hawks' Agency

Age: 20

Height: 5'2"

Hair: Long and white styled into two ponytails w/ bangs

Eye Color: Turquoise

Likes: Iced Coffee

Dislikes: the heat

Fears: Heights


Realizing who the man in dark blue in front of her was, (Y/N) created another dagger of ice, putting her guard up. He now had his feet up on the kitchen table where he sat, unfazed by the knife she held.

How the hell does he know my real name and how did he get in here?

"Put the dagger down," he said, focusing his gaze on her. "You really gonna point a knife at the guy who saved your life?"

"Not until you tell me why you decided to break into my apartment," she demanded as she cautiously stepped closer towards him. "You're from the League of Villains aren't you?"

She remembered some reports detailing some of the League of Villains' crimes. One of these had been an attack on the training camp her youngest brother had been attending a while back. She assumed he had to be the member with the flame quirk who had set the forest on fire that day.

I'm so stupid. Blue flames, duh. Who else could it have possibly been? But why would he help me?

"Oh, so you do know who I am," he responded as a smirk made its way onto his pale, scarred face.

He then grabbed a red apple from the bowl of fruit which sat at the center of the table, taking a bite.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn you in," she asked him as her hands began to slightly tremble on the dagger's handle.

Sure he had saved her life before but breaking into her home didn't exactly make him one of the good guys either.

"Really little sister? You can't recognize your own big brother? I'm hurt," he answered sarcastically, taking another bite from the red fruit.

He was waiting on a response but she was in utter shock from the words he had just spoken. It had been over a decade since the passing of her older brother Touya. Looking at this man before her though, it was hard to believe that he was the same young, sweet boy from her childhood.

"No... it can't be... Touya's dead," she finally responded, dropping to her knees with the ice dagger still at her side.

"Oh, he's very much alive. Here in the flesh," he told her with a slight laugh as he continued to bite into the apple.

So many questions were going through her head at that moment. She didn't know whether to be more shocked over his claim to be her deceased older brother or the fact that he was now a villain. What had occurred over the past ten years, she didn't know but she wanted some answers.

"But how? What happened?" she began questioning him as she got off her knees and stood back up. "Mom and the others are gonna want-"

"I didn't come here to talk about the past," he told her as he got up from the chair, having finally finished the apple. "I came here to recruit you."

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