❄Ch. 29: Life Goes On❄

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Credit for this beautiful artwork: kadeart

~Character Info~

Quirk: Winter's Breath

Hero Name: Frostbite

Occupation: Pro Hero/Sidekick

Affiliation: Hawks' Agency

Age: 26

Height: 5'2"

Hair: Long and white w/ bangs

Eye Color: Turquoise


Five Years Later

The rain continued to fall above you as you stood protected underneath your umbrella. Droplets of water were sprinkled throughout your long snow-white hair and the forget-me-nots that you had left on his grave were now drenched.

"I'm beginning to feel a lot better now. Therapy has been helping. It still hurts though—being without you but luckily I have people here to support me so you can rest easy... Touya," you voiced your thoughts aloud, hoping your words would reach him wherever he may be.

Bending down, you placed your hand against the cold tombstone, moving your fingers across the words inscribed on it.




Today marked the five-year anniversary of your brother's death. You could not believe it had already been that long. Time passed by so fast but as they say, time heals all wounds.

Looking towards the other side of the cemetery, you spotted your fiancé in the distance. The blonde was waiting patiently, giving you all the time that you needed.

"I guess it's time I get going now Touya... I'll see you again soon. I love you."

The rain started to come down even harder, drowning out the softness of your voice a bit. With your farewell now said, you began making your way back towards the car where Keigo was at, the soles of your rain boots making contact with the wet grass of the cemetery grounds.

A Few Months Later

As you stood before the bridal shop's tall mirror dressed in white, you wondered whether this particular dress was the right one for you. You were not yet satisfied, seeing as your snow-white hair seemed to blend into it.

"I really like this one," your mother said from behind you on the sofa. "I think it suits you."

"Suits me?" you laughed. "Mom, I feel like I'm literally a snowflake or something. What I desperately need is some color."

"With that attitude, we'll be here all day," Natsuo teased. "Keigo is gonna wanna marry you regardless of what you choose. You could be wearing a trash bag and he'd still find you beautiful." This earned an eye roll from you as you turned around to face your mother and siblings. You understood your brother's impatience but what he did not get was that you had to find the perfect one. Your wedding day was something that you had been dreaming about since forever and you wanted to look your very best.

"Natsuo, don't be rude. Today is (Y/N)'s special day after all," Fuyumi told him before giving you a smile. "Take all the time you need (Y/N), we'll be here."

"Thanks, Fuyumi, I appreciate it." You then turned your attention to the youngest of your siblings, hoping to get his opinion as well. "What do you think Shoto?"

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