❄Ch. 26: Snow Dance❄

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~Character Info~

Quirk: Winter's Breath

Hero Name: Frostbite

Hero Costume: long white sleeve shirt, blue shorts, long blue sleeveless coat w/ white fur that reaches a bit past the hips, and white knee-high boots w/ short heels

Winter Breath's Weaponry: Ice Dagger, Ice Spear, [???]

Super Moves: Ice Palace, [???], [???]

Occupation: Pro Hero/Sidekick

Affiliation: Hawks' Agency

Age: 21

Height: 5'2"

Hair: Shoulder-length and white w/ bangs (R.I.P. long hair ;-;)

Eye Color: Turquoise

Likes: Iced Coffee, Ice Cream

Dislikes: the heat

Fears: Heights


Ice sparkled off of the walls and floors of the room which were now decorated with frost. Icicles hung from the staircase and the entrances, having transformed it into an icy cavern.

First, a chill in the air. Then that chill turned frigid. And suddenly your body had grown numb. Not even you could not escape the effects of your quirk...

You ignored it. This was not the time to let your quirk's weaknesses hold you back. You were not sure why she had decided to keep you alive but you were going to use that to your advantage. If there was any time to strike then the time was now.

Your rage only seemed to grow even more the longer you stared at that despicable woman. You walked over to the edge of the steps, your ice blue eyes never leaving Phantasma. "This was just between you and me. They never should have been involved to begin with," you hissed at her.

Before you could climb the stairs though, a flash of blue appeared in front of you. "Not so fast Love." The light blonde haired woman stood a few feet away, blocking your path. "If you wanna get to Phantasma then you'll have to get through the two of us first," she explained.

It did not seem like you had much of a choice in the matter. You wanted to get to Phantasma but with Clear and Travis here, that was going to be next to impossible. "So be it," you told her.

Not a second later, you were met with the large blade of a glass-like scythe. You created an ice dagger in an attempt to block the blow but it was immediately shattered against its blade, sending you back a few steps. What you thought was glass had not been glass at all.

"Surprised?" Clear asked after seeing the shocked expression on your face. "Everyone thinks it's glass at first glance until they get a little taste of my quirk: Crystallization."

Crystal huh? You should have figured that it would not be something as delicate as glass. This situation called for something with a bit more power. But you also needed something that would allow you to move around easily. And you had the perfect thing in mind.

From the palm of your hand came a hilt which then transformed into a rose in full bloom until finally, it extended down into a long blade of ice. The Winter Rose Rapier. You had been meaning to try this weapon out on someone for a while.

"Oooh fancy," Clear grinned, admiring your weapon. "But is that enough to beat me?" Her scythe was now hanging over her shoulder.

"I guess we'll have to see now, won't we?" You did not bother to wait for an answer, going in for a quick strike. But before you could make contact though, she disappeared. It had to be Travis's quirk again. Those portals were going to be a pain.

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