❄Ch. 14: Night Owls❄

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A/N: Just so there's no confusion for my old or new readers, I've changed Sato to Saito. Figured y'all really wouldn't mind too much. I've been meaning to change his last name but kept forgetting.

~Character Info~

Quirk: Winter's Breath

Hero Name: Frostbite

Hero Costume: long white sleeve shirt, blue shorts, long blue sleeveless coat w/ white fur that reaches a bit past the hips, and white knee-high boots w/ short heels

Occupation: Pro Hero/Sidekick

Affiliation: Hawks' Agency

Age: 20

Height: 5'2"

Hair: Long and white styled into two ponytails w/ bangs

Eye Color: Turquoise

Likes: Iced Coffee, Ice Cream

Dislikes: the heat

Fears: Heights


(Y/N) had insisted that Hawks and she stop by her apartment first before they headed over to his penthouse. She needed to pack a toothbrush and some clothes as well as check on Nero's food and water. He waited patiently in the living room for her as she rushed to grab the necessary items from her bedroom.

Can't stay too long with him here. What if Touya were to show up now of all times?

Her older brother had yet to make an appearance again. This bothered her a great deal but she knew he'd show up eventually when he wanted to. Although it was risky to let Keigo come over like this, she didn't want to make him suspicious of her.

"All done. We can leave now," she told Keigo with a duffel bag now in her hands. "Oh, Nero seems to like you a lot."

The gray, striped feline was asking the crimson-feathered hero for more attention as it continued to rub against his leg. It was an adorable sight to see, her two favorite boys getting along with each other. Keigo bent down to pet Nero as the cat purred away.

He seems to hate Touya though.

"This guy's actually pretty cute unlike some other little demons I've come across," he joked to her as he resumed stroking her cat.

"Demon? Nero is far from any "demon," she chuckled at the metaphor. "He's a total scaredy-cat, runs off whenever he sees any sign of trouble."

After (Y/N) locked her door, the two heroes started making their way towards the elevator in the middle of the hall. Saito came out of his own apartment at this moment and seeing him again made her nervous.

"Long time no see (Y/N)," the blue-haired male told her as he approached them. "Oh, and if it isn't the number two hero... so the rumors are true..."

"So your trip to America is already over with?" she questioned as she pushed the elevator button.

"Yes, sadly. I just couldn't stay away from Japan for so long," he smirked at her. "Why? Did you miss me?"

"Hardly," she responded with a roll of her eyes.

How about you just stay in America? Like forever.

Before he could get any closer to (Y/N) though, Keigo stepped in between them, taking one of her hands in his. She couldn't see his face but he was staring daggers at Saito. He had not forgotten how he had grabbed her wrist that day at the modeling studio.

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