❄Ch. 12: The Family Dinner from Hell❄

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~Character Info~

Quirk: Winter's Breath

Hero Name: Frostbite

Hero Costume: long white sleeve shirt, blue shorts, long blue sleeveless coat w/ white fur that reaches a bit past the hips, and white knee-high boots w/ short heels

Occupation: Pro Hero/Sidekick

Affiliation: Hawks' Agency

Age: 20

Height: 5'2"

Hair: Long and white styled into two ponytails w/ bangs

Eye Color: Turquoise

Likes: Iced Coffee

Dislikes: the heat

Fears: Heights


Sunlight beamed down onto the park bench that (Y/N) and Hawks sat on as they each enjoyed their frozen treat. With one arm around her and the other holding his double scoop of mint chocolate chip, the ice cream then started to drip down onto the pavement. Noticing this, (Y/N) reached over and used her quirk to create a thin layer of frost on top of the dessert to stop it from melting any further.

"Thanks, Frosty," he told her in a sarcastic tone as he continued to eat the ice cream. "You're my hero."

"All in a day's work. Saving one ice cream cone at a time," she joked in response only to pout at the nickname he had called her. "Hey, I told you to quit calling me Frosty!"

"Aw but I think it's cute," he replied with a smirk, taking a bite out of the waffle cone.

Every time I do him a favor like this, he just has to bring it up.

"Just please promise you won't say anything like this when we're eating dinner at my family's house tomorrow," she pleaded as she focused on eating her own ice cream.

"Eh I can't make any promises," he laughed as he saw her start to pout once again.

"Hawks I'm serious!" she answered back, slightly annoyed with the blonde's jokes though she should be used to them by now.

"You worry too much as always," he said as he brought her in closer so she could lean on his shoulder. "I already know your old man, meeting your siblings shouldn't be a problem for me."

"No, you're right, I guess I am just worrying for no reason," she sighed as she finished off her pretzel cone.

A few moments of peaceful silence passed between them as (Y/N) closed her eyes, taking in Hawks' scent before the pro spoke up.

"(Y/N), there's something important I need to tell you," he began nervously after the rest of his ice cream cone had disappeared. "I wish I could have asked during a better time then while out on patrol and I know it's not as romantic but it's been about four months and well-

"Just spit it out already," she told him, a bit surprised to see the blonde so flustered when he was usually so calm and collected.

"(Y/N), I want you to be my girlfriend," he finally said, waiting to see what her response would be this time.

"You wanna make us official?" she asked excitedly which the blonde responded to with a nod. "Then yes, of course I'll be your girlfriend!"

(Y/N) then embraced the male as he let out a sigh of relief at her answer, ecstatic that she hadn't turned him down.

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