Thirty Six - Class Trip (Or; How To Define Love)

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"That's- no, that's not how it works, idiot." I grumbled, trying to shrink deeper into my seats, while the entire class was staring at us.

"No?" Jungkook dropped his hand, looking at me deeply confused.

I sighed, "Girls and boys stay separated."

I swear he was close to breaking out into tears at this point.

"Bu-But- we are-"

"I know, and that's exactly the reason why I WON'T share a room with you for an entire week." I cut him off decidely, glaring at the guy sitting closest to me until he looked away scared.

"I was so excited for this, Bunny." Jungkook's sulking wouldn't change anything.

"Well," Our teacher interrupted our, a little too intimate, conversation awkwardly, "Who wants to have Y/N in their group?"

Every girl was suddenly very interested in her school book, not wanting to end up as the punching back for Jungkook's frustration for the next weeks.

"Alright, then she'll join Lin's group." The teacher decided, making four girls of his class drop dead into their chairs.

"I'm sorry, guys." I whispered, genuine.


"Can I atleast sit next to you in the bus?" Jungkook complained while shoving both his and my bags into the vehicle as if it was nothing (yes, I love my strong boyfriend).

"No." Was my immediate answer.

"What? Why not?" Jungkook followed me inside, increasingly stressed, continously complaining about not being able to sit with me while he slumped down into the seat next to me, not stopping to complain while buckling my seatbelt for me and moving on to his own.

"Like, I really don't get it, Bunny." He said, leaning back in his seat, "Do you perhaps not wanna sit with me? Is it that? Or would you sit with someone else rather than me? Huh? Who is it? Tell me, who-"

"You're stupid." I shut him down, closing my eyes while plugging in one earphone.


"You like Red Velvet?" I said, holding up the other earphone.

"Y-Yeah..." He muttered, taking it while slowly beginning to understand that I'd succesfully fooled around with him.

"You're mean." He mumbled, looking away.

I snickered, averting my attention outside the window, watching houses and cars pass by.

Jungkook does like Red Velvet. After somtime this overgrown pup closed his eyes, head slumping onto my shoulder as he started snoring peacefully.

It was such a domestic thing to do. We must've looked like such a cute couple.


My head soon rested on top of his, eyes falling shut as well.

I totally heard a camera click in the background.


"Okay everyone!" Ms. Lim - a relatively young, still passionate teacher - clapped twice, hoping to attract our attention, "Unpack your stuff in your respective rooms, change into some more fitting clothes and hurry downstairs!"

Jungkook threw a quick glance at the chart that said in which rooms we'd stay, before throwing my bag over his shoulder and striding upstairs, truly looking like a man on a mission.

That Awkward Magic ◆ JeonJungkook✔Where stories live. Discover now