Ten - Little Steps, Together

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"Did you find out something about the shifter in your grade?" Grandma asked me, skinny fingers wrapping around her tea cup as she threw a casual glance at me, voice trying really hard not to sound too interested.

"Mmh... no." I answered easily, chucking down my orange juice before hurrying out of the kitchen so that I wouldn't miss my bus again.

I hated it; lying to my Grandma that is. She's always been nothing but honest and good to me and now I was lying to her for no fucking reason.

Maybe I was just happy about sharing this little secret between Jungkook.

Yeah, probably. I've never had this - a secret between friends - in my life. It was quite an exciting experience, now that I think about it.


"Let's be friends Y/N!"

It sounded like the kinda thing kindergarten kids would say to each other the first time they meet. So innocent and thoughtless.

"Have a nice day, honey!" Was what I heard Gran gran shout before I shut the door behind me, just to sprint down the road, where the bus was just arriving.

Panting, I practically threw myself inside, slumping down onto the next best seat heavily.

"Almost missed it, huh?"

I looked up to the person sitting next to me.

I didn't know him, though we've probaly been taking the same bus for years now.

"Yeah-" I huffed out, smiling sheepishly.

The boy, around my age, just grinned crooked, before looking away, averting his attention to the street outside.

I leaned back too, sighing.

I'll see Jungkook today. Just like any other school day. Why do I feel so excited?


"So..." I looked at Jungkook who was looking back with an expression that told me that a boy was ready to take commands and fulfill them.

"So..." He echoed, even going as far as placing his elbow right next to me and resting his chin in his palm (I was getting tired of reminding him of my personal space already).

If you're asking yourself what the matter was: History project. That was the matter.

I'm not good enough of a student to be handling this kind of project all by myself but this annoying little pup was looking at me as if he was expecting me to pull out a perfectly planned presentation about the fucking crusades out of nowhere.

"Uhm... let's start?" I said vaguely, getting nothing but a fond smile as an answer.

"Jungkook..." I sighed, "Why did you insist on doing this with me? I don't even know what we're supposed to do."

I was always the kid that ended up working by myself, completely bullshitting the whole presentation, just to make it through because my teachers were feeling bad for my lonely ass.

"I wanted to work with you, because I knew it was gonna be fun with you!" He empathized insistingly.

"Ah." 😑 "Are you having fun so far?"

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