Twenty Three - Busted

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Let's take a moment to appreciate the situation I was currently in:

I was standing next to my bed, comically shocked expression on my face while Jungkook - who was kneeling on my bed - was still clinging to my arm, like onto a lifeline. Grandma stood in the doorframe, unsurprised expression on her wrinkly face while she stared me down in an infuriatingly condescending way.

I was really about to say the stereotypical 'It's not what it looks like' - but we all now how this would've turned out.

So instead I opted for an honest yet non-informative reaction, "...He's helping me do research."

"For school?"

Well, maybe not so honest.


"So, apparently 'research' these days includes this kind of physical proximity?"


Grandma snorted and walked past me, eyes narrowing down on poor Jungkook who was leaning away slowly.

"I don't appreciate shifters in my house, young man." The woman snarled, making Jungkook wince surprised, "It'll take me weeks to get rid of your stench."

"I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't want to be disrespectful... just wanted to help your daughter." Lmao he sounded terrified.

"Hm- Seems like you're 'helping her' quite a lot lately." Grandma stated with a cocked brow, "At least judging by the way she comes home smelling like someone dumped a bucket of pheromones over her."

I glared at him. When did he even scent me that heavily?

Jungkook met eyes with me and gave me a sheepish smile, as if Gran Gran just exposed something I wasn't supposed to know (I still didn't get it).

I noticed how Jungkook was backing away more and more, soon hitting the wall behind him while Gran Gran was trying her best to scare the poor shifter off.

"How about we go down stairs, hm?" I suggested diplomatically, "It's too cramped in here, don't ya think?"

Jungkook nodded thankfully and we soon found ourselves sitting around the heavy dining table, Jungkook sitting next to me (trying his best to keep a respectable distance, because of course now he cared all of a sudden) while Grandma sat down I front of me - of course not before placing two cups of steaming tea in front of us.

"Well, Y/N, I have to say I don't like how you lied at me." The woman started, "As far as I can recall, you've never done this before - lying to me that is."

I nodded, "I'm sorry Gran Gran. It's just - you seem to hate shifters so much, I was scared that you'd forbid me to meet him, you know?"

Grandma sighed, rubbing a lean hand over her eyes, "I didn't want to make you feel this way - of course you can be friends with who ever you want. In fact, I'm kind of proud that you finally managed to get so close to someone - even if that someone is a shifter."

"Uhm- I'm sorry but..." Jungkook interrupted her carefully, "Why do you- why do you dislike shifters again?"

Her face hardened and she looked at him displeased, "Shifters are selfish. They take what they want, even if it means taking something away from others. They don't care about anyone who isn't a shifter and act out on their instincts how ever they please."

I turned my eyes from Grandma to Jungkook who looked kind of.. tired?

He sighed slowly, "I'll admit that... shifters tend to prioritize their packs over any other life but talking about instincts... not all of us are like that. Some shifters reject their urges, are disgusted by them - not all of us are happy with being selfish."

The older witch looked at him for a really long time, until she slowly leaned back against the old wooden chair, "Are you sure you can do that? Just reject who you are?"

Jungkook shrugged, "I dunno. So far I could. I don't plan on giving up control to that ugly thing living inside of me."

He's talking about his wolf

"So, when your wolf tells you to harm someone... you won't?"

Jungkook nodded firmly, "I won't."

"And if your wolf tells you to claim something as yours... you won't?"

"...I... won't."

The witch nodded slowly.

I watched them fascinated, having a hard time with keeping up with their conversation, hope blooming inside of me that maybe Grandma will end up not giving a shit that Jungkook is a shifter.

"Well, Jungkook. I won't lie, I've heard these word before." Gan Gran stated, "A shifter promising that he won't act selfishly. Let's just hope you aren't lying as well."

Jungkook nodded enthusiastically, "Never, I promise!"

She sighed before getting up from her seat, "We'll see about that..." She muttered, turning towards the kitchen counter, "Anyone wants waffles?"

I opened my mouth, closing it soon after like a fish on land, surprised by the sudden attitude switch Gran Gran just performed.

Jungkook, too, looked at me insecure, confusion written all over his face.

In the following hour, Jungkook and I got served the world's best waffles, had an interesting talk about moon phases and how they influence human sleep behavior with Grandma and actually got a long pretty well.

Too well, if I'm allowed to say that - because Jungkook, for once, tried to behave well, without looking like a clingy pervert who can't keep his hands off of me. He used formal speech and never said anything overly provocative to tick me off - in short: He was acting in a way that was making me very uncomfortable.

Oh, the things we do to make good impressions to others, right?

It was late already, Jungkook was sitting next to me, stretching his arms over his head yawning.

"Aw, are you tired puppy?" I teased, earning a nudge in the side.

"Shut up, don't think I didn't see you almost dozing off just now-"

The door ball rang.

"Heavens, who could that be at such a time?" Grandma mumbled, getting up with a huff, "Wait here, I'll look who it is." After which she stomped outside, leaving us alone.

I nodded, moving to take another waffle, when Jungkook next to me sniffed the air and then stiffened all of a sudden, eyes going wide, "Oh no-"

He jumped up, sprinting out of the kitchen quickly, making me follow him confused.

We reached the entrance door just in the moment when Grandma opened it.

In front of us stood none other than Jungkook's pack leader.

"Lin Moira?"


aye my children


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