Twenty Seven - Like A Treasure Made Of Sand

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The red haired witch watched the clueless couple from his seat in the car.

Eyes narrowed, brows furrowed and lips pressed together in a thin line - this time he wouldn't let her go that easily.

Hoseok would NOT let her trick him one more time.

What Moira tells me to, I will do

He was determinded.

The car was slowly creeping up towards the spacious house at the end of the street, which seemed to be Y/N's destination, that she so stubbornly walked towards.

Her little companion was a boy, which Hoseok knew was a shifter, that was following her every move. The red haired scoffed as he watched how the boy clung to her like a magnet, seemingly unwilling to distance himself from her more than a meter.

How is she surviving that annoying pest? Hoseok asked himself pettily, reluctantly watching the couple climb up he steps to the front door.

Where is her pride as a witch? Letting a needy little shifter that close to her?

"Perhaps this is why you were spewing this depressing bullshit about how witches were 'bound to be lonely' and what not. Because you are a lonely person. And you think that every other witch should be lonely as well."

Hoseok grimaced as he recalled her exact words, still unable to believe that she had the audacity, the utter arrogance to say nasty stuff like that.

Ah shit-

He'd been so deep in thoughts that the witch hadn't even noticed when the two had entered the house.

Hurriedly, he stumbled out of the car, rushing up to the entrance where he rang the bell a few times.

A pretty, blonde girl with a sparkling smile opened the door, puzzled expression on her face.

Ugh, Shifters

Hoseok realized, covering his nose. He wasn't stupid, of course he figured quickly that this was a shifter pack's base.

"Uhm- can I help you?" The blonde asked, eyes trailing down his body in a checking-out manner.

"Where's Y/N?" He asked bluntly, not wanting to be standing in front of a stinking shifter any longer.

The girl scowled, obviously offended by his blunt manners, until a sort of satisfied look appeared on her face, "Well, too bad, because they just left."

"What the fuck do you mean with 'they just left'?" Hoseok sneered, "Didn't they just come? Don't give me that bullshit."

"What's wrong Dahyun?" A raspy voice came from one of the other rooms and a pale, dark haired man with intense, cat-like eyes and a long scar running over down the right side of his face appeared in the corridor.

Dahyun didn't even have time to explain the situation, because the man's face fell immediately and he rushed in Hoseok's direction.

His expression showed a mixture of shock and reluctance, lips pressing in a thin line as realization came over him.

The witch was confused for a mili-second, until the shifter's scent hit him and he groaned frustrated.

"What?" The black-haired scoffed, "That's all you got to say to your mate?"

Dahyun gasped next to him, but a small flick of his hand made her leave the corridor in a hurry.

"I don't believe in fated mates or whatever, dude." Hoseok clarified, "That's shifter nonsense."

The shifter cocked a brow, "As a witch you should know that this 'nonsense' is basic biology."

Hoseok scoffed, trying to ignore the insane pounding of his heart, trying to overplay the shock this situation he'd been pushed into so suddenly, without a warning had brought him. He leaned one hand against the door frame, slightly leaning towards the pale shifter, "I'm sorry sweetie, but I don't believe in love, no matter how much science is behind it."

The man hissed at the sudden proximity, glaring up at Hoseok as he was forced to press is hand against his nose in order not to have to inhale the man's scent.

"Why are you so cynical?" He asked, forcing himself to breath through his mouth.

Hoseok chuckled and turned in a swift motion, waving the shifter goodbye ironically without looking back, "It's called realism, baby. Good luck with your pack of dogs."

But not even his faked confidence could mute the hammering of his heart.

This was the worst thing that could've possibly happened to him.


Yoongi watched the witch leave - no - flee the scene.

It was too obvious. The man had come here because of Jungkook's mate, ready to pick a fight, but as soon as he realized who Yoongi was to him he'd rushed to get away from there.

"I don't believe in love."

Yoongi sighed disappointed. Of course it came down to that. It was so ironic, he wanted to laugh.

His biggest wish, his goal had always been the restoration of solidarity between witches and shifters. Two groups who are forced to live in the shadows, hidden away from humans should work together.

Of course fate had to give him a witch as a mate - one who believed in loneliness instead of love.

It was like being given the gold medal but having only made it last place in a competition. Or like finding a treasure only to find out that it was made out of sand.

"L-Leader-nim?" Dahyun finally dared to come back from behind the corner, where she had totally not been eavesdropping the whole time.

"Yes, Dahyun?" Yoongi asked, trying to sound patient while he very well knew what he actually sounded like.

"What are you... going to do?" She asked hesitantly, "About your mate?"

Yoongi laughed humorlessly, "What do you think? Nothing, Dahyun, that's what I will do. I can't force him to become my mate. And well, he was being pretty clear about how he thinks about shifters in general, wasn't he?"

Fated mates.

A bedtime story about how each person is born with the fitting puzzle piece to one another. Everyone likes the idea of having this special someone, a soulmate, who is meant to be perfect for you out there. Yoongi is no exception.

"Don't tell the others about this." He ordered the blonde, who nodded feverly.

Yoongi sighed and rubbed the bridge of his node, eyes closing for a moment, "At least Y/N and Jungkook are doing fine."

Namjoon's face appeared through one of the doors, "About that...."


I'm sorry it took me so long

haven't been feeling great lately


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