Twenty One - Bending Rules

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Jeon Jungkook. In my room.

Sounds like the perfect setting for a fucking disaster, don't ya think so?

But I'm getting ahead of myself a little here. Maybe I should start with telling you how we got into this situation in the first place.

It all started in English class, where I made the mistake of acting out as the curious-cat I am, not being able to stop running my mouth, like always.

Or well, 'running my mouth' sounds so negative - I was just thinking out loud.

My little shifter friend was leaning against my shoulder, almost drooling all over my arm while snoring in the middle of class, earning a lot of deprecatory glances from our teacher, who was trying to teach our class how to write a text-analysis without dozing off herself.

I myself was pretty tired as well, because I had spent the entire night researching more about shifters, suddenly having felt the unexplainable need to know more about Jungkook's people - perhaps it were the words of this witch Hoseok, that had fired up my determination to understand him better.

But, even after all the books I had worked through, I still didn't know more about the apparent bond between witches and shifters. I didn't even know if it was an actually physical, or merely metaphorical thing.

Well, at least I could still look at the bright sight of things - book-wise, was I now a fucking professional when I came to everything concerning shifters and their way of living and what not.

"Oi, Jungkook-" I whispered as quietly as possible, jerking my shoulder to wake the idiot, "Hey- listen-"

"Hm?" He grunted blinking, eyes adorably small while he was trying to focus on me - while wiping away a drop of drool.

"Shifters they- they have mating bonds instead of marriage or whatever, right?"

He coughed surprised, "W-Why do you wanna know?" He whispered back.

I looked at him disapproving ( a little bit like that: -_-) and pushed his hand away from my thigh, "Not because of you, dumbass." - he looked down disappointed - "I wanted to know wether there are similar other bonds like those mating bonds. Do you perhaps know anything bout this?"

He wiggled his eyebrows idiotically, "No, but we could try it to find out."

"Don't make me hurt you in front of the whole class, Jeon." I whisper-yelled, making Jungkook cackle.

"No, but for real Y/N." He muttered, looking down onto his school-book when the teacher glared him down enraged, "Why do you wanna know all of a sudden?"

"I, eh, read this thing about shifter and witches - you also mentioned it once - and then your pack leader talked about 'reviving bonds' and I really wanted to know more about this topic, but couldn't find anything."

"Why didn't you just ask your Grandma?"

"I did, but she's avoiding this topic like the plague."

"Hm," He made thoughtfully, "I also don't know much. I've just been taught that witches are our friends since I was little. That's about it." He smiled down at me, eyes sparkling, "That's why I was so happy when I heard that you're a witch!" - he was being a little bit too loud right now - "We are practically destined to become friends!-"

"Shhh!" Our teacher hissed, making us both duck our heads.

"I don't know about that." I mumbled.

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